World Fresh Forum. Przestrzeń sieci biznesowych i instytucjonalnych do wykorzystania szans w Arabii Saudyjskiej

16 wrzesień 2024

World Fresh Forum

The business and institutional networking space to seize opportunities in Saudi Arabia

Organised by ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, the Forum will host a total of three sessions on 13th -China-, 17th -Brazil- and 18th September -Saudi Arabia-, over Zoom.

The World Fresh Forum will once again be held within the framework of Fruit Attraction, where the business opportunities and commercial challenges that exist in the guest countries at this edition, China and Saudi Arabia, as well as Brazil, will be presented. Organised by ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, the Forum will hold its third session on Wednesday 18 September, over Zoom, and will be dedicated to Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi Arabian fruit and vegetable market is one of the main destinations for Spanish fruit and vegetables outside the EU, along with Canada, Morocco and the United States. According to Euromonitor data, the Saudi fruit and vegetable market is reached a value of 2.2 billion dollars in 2023 and ranks third in the Middle East and Africa region. 77% of Saudi fruit and vegetable products are imported, which shows the importance of the international market in the country. 

Saudi Arabia imported EUR 22.4 million of vegetables from Spain in 2023, which accounts for 3% of Saudi Arabia's total imports in this sector. The figure is higher for fruit, at EUR 30.3 million, and accounts for 2% of Saudi Arabia's total international imports of these products.

With respect to Spain's most important European competitors (Italy, the Netherlands and France), it is worth noting that Spain is in second place behind Italy and the Netherlands respectively for both fruit and vegetables.  

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that the country took a protectionist stance over the course of 2022, raising tariffs on those products for which it has a certain productive industry. This is the case of vegetables and fruit such as aubergines, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, watermelons, melons and carrots, for which the tariff increase is between 10% and 15%.

A thorough understanding of the functioning of the industry and the specific demands of fruit and vegetable importers is essential. All this will be analysed by government officials from MAPA and MINECO, the Spanish Economic and Commercial Office in Riyadh and an importer from Saudi Arabia who will be participating in the session. 

When: 18 Sept 2024, 9 am Madrid 

Join the Saudi Arabia Session

PROGRAMME. Opportunities for the Spanish fruit and vegetable sector in Saudi Arabia

9 am Opening: 

Luis Martín, technical director at FEPEX

María José Sánchez, Managing Director of Fruit Attraction

María Naranjo Agrifood Industry Director at ICEX

9.05 am Regulatory conditions for market access in Saudi Arabia: MINECO and MAPA

Marta Alzas, Deputy Director General for Inspection, Certification and Technical Assistance MINECO

María Arana Macua, Head of the Export Area at the Subdirectorate General for Health Agreements and Directorate General Of Agriculture Production Health and Border Control.  MAPA 

9.30 am           Opportunities for the fruit and vegetable industry in the Saudi Arabian market:

Pablo López de Rivera, Analyst Commercial Office of Spain in Riyadh

Shahzad Mehmood Alam - Commercial Category Manager at Panda Retail Company (Saudi supermarket chain). 

9.55 am Discussion with the participants      

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