Macfrut Academy, nowa lekcja wideo

17 wrzesień 2024

Thursday 19 September at 5 pm – Strawberries in the spotlight: from research to the market, as well as production, new varieties and experiences from around the world.

The Macfrut Academy, the training platform sponsored by Macfrut, is back after the summer break. A new video lesson on new developments in the production of strawberries, with a special focus on how to enhance and maintain their quality, will be released on Thursday 19 September at 5 pm Italian time (UTC+2).

The video lesson begins by looking at the latest developments in variety research, and then analyses market demands and the strategies that researchers and growers can put in place to meet them. These strategies include the use of new plant protection techniques involving beneficial insects. It will end with a tour of strawberry processing and packaging plants will show how automation and packaging can ensure the quality of field-grown strawberries, focusing on technologies that help preserve these fruits and extend their shelf life, thus promoting sustainability.

A journey through the Mediterranean region – particularly Italy, Spain and Morocco – covering breeding, production, market analysis, inputs, technologies and packaging, also with the participation of qualified partners such as Nova Siri Genetics, CBC Bioplanet and CBC Biogard, Apofruit Italia, Coop Sole, Onubrafruit, Freslote, Freshuelva, Ulma and Infia.

Professor Bruno Mezzetti of the Marche Polytechnic University will talk about the use of molecular markers, genomic prediction, new developments in breeding, and how bioinformatics tools can accelerate the innovation of varieties.

Spain is Europe’s leading producer and the world’s leading exporter with approximately 300,000 tonnes per year, accounting for around one-third of global exports. The Macfrut Academy went to Huelva, the ‘strawberry capital’ of Spain, to see how this important production area is developing. This comprehensive analysis will be presented by Rafael Dominguez, Managing Director of Freshuelva, the association of strawberry producers and exporters.

The Macfrut Academy programme will continue with a lesson released each month, providing new, in-depth insights on cherries, blueberries, yellow and red kiwis, industrial tomatoes and soilless crops.

The video lesson is free of charge after registering:

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