5. Fresh Food Logistics, The Summit: nacisk na zwinną i wydajną logistykę łańcucha chłodniczego

12 wrzesień 2024

Organised by Alimarket and Fruit Attraction, the 5th Fresh Food Logistics, The Summit, to be held on 9 and 10 October in Hall 4 of IFEMA MADRID will be focusing on the current situation and prospects of the temperature controlled supply chain.

During the conference, questions will be raised such as where to focus for an agile and efficient, competitive and sustainable cold chain management? Which levers to boost? How is the FMCG industry responding to current demands and requirements?

Change is no longer a trend, but a constant in business development and therefore in its strategy. Flexibility, speed and efficiency are therefore the top three in the supply chain, especially in the temperature-controlled context. From capillary delivery and urban distribution of goods to a long-haul international trade ecosystem, the supply chain has to meet the global demands and requirements of the current environment. When it comes to fresh and frozen products for retail and hotel, restaurant and catering channels, the demands on transport, logistics and service are growing.

Once again, Alimarket Publications is organising Fresh Food Logistics, The Summit together with Fruit Attraction, within the framework of the trade fair. Over the course of two days, this reality, which is constantly changing and demanding, will be addressed, focusing on key issues that will be the focus of efforts in the coming years: technology and traceability, innovation, investment, sustainability, collaboration, talent, adaptation, etc.

These sessions will be attended by FMCG industry companies, manufacturers and retailers, together with logistics operators and sectoral organisations. Fresh Food Logistics, The Summit has so far confirmed the participation of Jesús Gómez, CEO of the Foodiverse group; Javier del Amo, Director of central-north logistics at Covirán; Joan Figueras, Director of Operations at Globalimar; Rafael Aguilera, Managing Director of Uno Logística; Alfonso Jiménez, President of Cascajares, and Cristóbal San Juan, Director of Business and Commercial Expansion at Ontime. Alimarket is also sponsored by MSC, Transportes J. Carrión and Ontime.


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