Fruit Attraction 2024 osiąga rekordowe wyniki, z 13% wzrostem liczby odwiedzających z branży

17 październik 2024

It registered 117,370 visitors from 145 countries

Fruit Attraction closed its 16th edition on 10 October with an all-time high in participation levels. A total of 117,370 professionals from 145 countries attended the event, an increase of 13% over the previous year.

Organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, with the presence of Andalusia as Guest Region, the Fair registered the participation of 2,201 exhibitors from 59 countries, and an occupation of 70,254 net square metres of fruit and vegetable offer, for the first time, distributed over 10 halls of the trade fair centre, representing an increase of 10% in both parameters over the 2023 edition. These figures have converted Madrid into the world fruit and vegetable capital as well as ratifying Fruit Attraction as a fundamental tool for the global fruit and vegetable business.

Once again, the trade fair has established itself as a major centre for the commercialisation of the national fruit and vegetable sector, with Spanish production centres occupying 55% of the exhibition area, with the participation of the country's fruit and vegetable producing autonomous regions. Of all the Spanish exhibitors, Andalusia was the region with the largest number of companies, followed by the Valencian Community, Murcia, Madrid and Catalonia. Other notable national participants also included Aragon, Extremadura, La Rioja, Castile-La-Mancha and Castile-León, as well as Navarre, the Basque Country, Galicia, the Canary Islands, Cantabria and Asturias.

The international segment accounted for 45% of total occupancy, attracting participation from 59 countries and expanding its exhibition area by 22.5%.

Once again, the Fresh Produce Area, aimed at fruit and vegetable producers and traders, stood out as the most representative segment of the fair, occupying 70% of the space and experiencing an increase of 6% over the previous year. The Auxiliary Industry Area accounted for 24% of the fair, showing a growth of 4%. The Fresh Food Logistics Area also stood out , with an increase of more than 26%. As a new feature this year, Hall 1 hosted Innova&Tech, an area focused on innovation, research and technological development companies bringing together, among others, the Biotech Attraction and Smart Agro sectors.

One of the most highly rated aspects by the attendees was the quality and professionalism of the international visitors, which grew by 24%representing 49% of the total number of trade fair visitors. Once again this year, the largest number of visitors came from Europe , especially from Italy, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Portugal and Germany. The most notable were also those from Peru, Chile, South Africa, Morocco and Brazil.

Fruit Attraction has also provided participants with a platform for international promotion and expansion with the International Guest Programme, funded by the trade fair, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and ICEX, which attracted 700 large buyers, retail purchasing managers, importers and wholesalers from 70 countriesto Madrid. In this context, the Guest Importing Countries programme also stands out, this year being the turn of China and Saudi Arabia.

In the field of innovation, Fruit Attraction hosted a new edition of The Innovation Hub with the exhibition of a total of 40 products and services. The winners of the Innovation Hub Awards were RIJK ZWAAN IBERICA in the Fresh Produce category  AGERPIX TECHNOLOGIES in the F&V Industry category, and TALLERES DAUMAR in the Sustainability and Commitment Actions category.

This year’s star product was the avocado with several initiatives concentrated around this superfood. In addition to different activities, such as the presentation of the Interprofessional Organisation for Avocado and Mango, workshops and demonstrations, the Global Avocado Congress was held with the attendance of 400 professionals.  The Walnut and Pecan Congress also took place within the framework of the fair, with the participation of 100 people.

In addition to these sessions, Fruit Attraction hosted the Biofruit Congress -organised by Ecovalia-, Biotech Attraction, the V Fresh Food Logistic The Summit -organised by Alimarket- and some other interesting conferences, as well as 46 presentations given by exhibitors at the Fruit Next Forums. All the conferences brought together more than 2,300 attendees

In addition, Factoria Chef was once again a stand space for gastronomy within Fruit Attraction, with a total of 15 attractive cooking demonstrations and show cooking sessions.

For the first time ever, Fruit Attraction awarded the Best Stand Award in its three categories: Countries and regions, Companies and Autonomous Communities and Institutions, highlighting the aesthetics and staging presented by the exhibitors. The prizes in this first edition were awarded to BRAZIL, DIPUTACIÓN DE ALICANTE, ECUADOR, FONTESTAD, HOLLAND FRESH GROUP, MERCAJARA, PORTS OF SPAIN, TOTAL PRODUCTS and XUNTA DE GALICIA.

In addition, the 14th APAE Journalism Awards and the Fruit Attraction Journalism Award were presented, which on this occasion went to the magazine Poland Fruits.

Fruit Attraction 2024 was once again supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food at its opening ceremony, which was presided over by Minister Luis Planas.

The trade fair organised the collection of fruit and vegetables from exhibitors for the Food Bank of Madrid once again this edition, collecting a total of 50,331 kilos of fruit and vegetable products.

Organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEXFruit Attraction 2025 will be held from 30 September to 2 October at the Madrid trade fair centre.

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