Macfrut 2020, registrations are now open

8 październik 2019

Registrations are now open for the next edition of Macfrut, the international fruit and vegetable trade fair organised by Cesena Fiera, which will be held from 5 to 7 May 2020 at the Rimini Expo Centre (Italy). Last year’s numbers show that Macfrut is a growing trade fair, which year after year has become a major benchmark event for companies operating in the sector and seeking to expand their network of business contacts in new markets. In 2019, 43,500 visitors came to Rimini to attend the three-day event, and a quarter of them were from abroad: 50% from Europe, 17% from Central and South America, 14% from Eastern Europe and Russia, 10% from Africa, and 9% from the Middle and Far East. As far as exhibitors are concerned, 20% of the more than 1,000 participating companies were from abroad. The following is a breakdown of exhibitors by sector: 39% production and trade, 17% machinery and technology for sorting and packing, 14% packaging, 13% logistics and services, 7% machinery and technology for plant growing and protection, 5% plant nurseries and seeds, and 5% fertilisers and crop protection products.
The 37th edition of Macfrut will be packed with brand new content to further increase business opportunities for companies in the fresh produce industry. Among these, the “Spices & Herbs Global Expo”, an area entirely dedicated to the world of spices, officinal and aromatic herbs, will be set up for the first time not only in Rimini but also in Europe. In addition to the exhibition area, interested companies will have the opportunity to participate in various side events and conferences on these topics and to reach out to and make contact with new customers from all over the world, especially from Asia and Africa, and to benefit from a custom schedule of B2B meetings. On this occasion, Ismea – Institute of Services for the Agricultural and Food Market – will introduce the Global observatory on spices and officinal herbs and, for the first time, will provide an overview of this rapidly growing sector, although the data currently available is not yet sufficient to provide a snapshot of the situation.
The commercial campaign will be supported by numerous international missions which, from September 2019 to February 2020, will take place in South America, Africa, Europe and Asia with the aim of promoting Macfrut to local companies and associations.
Renzo Piraccini, President of Cesena Fiera, comments: ‘In keeping with the trend that has seen a steady increase in the number of visitors at our trade fair over the last few years, for the 2020 edition our aim is to continue pursuing this goal by adopting two approaches: we decided, on the one hand, to include brand new content and, on the other hand, to focus on new markets, such as Asia and Africa. The result of this is a high-quality programme that makes Macfrut 2020 a must-attend event for professionals in the fruit and vegetable sector.’

With the early booking offer, which is valid until 31 December 2019, companies interested in participating in the 2020 edition can register at a reduced fee. All the details are available in the dedicated section of the official website of Macfrut,, and of the Spices & Herbs Global Expo,

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