5th Nutraceutical and Functional Food Asia Pacific Summit

6 kwiecień 2020

With its youthful population and large financial resources, Asia will be critical to any new balance on the global economic and political stage. Over the coming years, Asia will play an even more influential role in world finances as its economic engine switches gear from production to consumption.

Asia is consuming 25% more than it did at the start of the financial crisis in 2008. This has propelled GDP growth rates to double-digit levels. From 2008, GDP has grown 18% in Singapore and Indonesia, 14% in the Philippines, 10% in Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and Thailand, 25% in India and 29% in China.

Motivated by these positive indicators and the success of previous events, Duxes will host the 5th Nutraceutical and Functional Food Asia Pacific Summit 2020 in Singapore, from December 16-17. The summit will gather delegates from across the functional food and nutraceuticals industry, including government officials, researchers, analysts, and representatives from leading companies and industry associations, to discuss trends and developments in the fast-paced Asian market.

During the two-day event, speakers representing regulatory agencies and officials will detail the regulatory framework and market-entry procedures in prominent jurisdictions, including Japan, Indonesia and China. Further testimony from industry leaders and analysts will provide firsthand knowledge on crucial product innovations such as probiotics and CBD, the ascendant anti-aging sector, as well as market trends toward infant health and personalized nutrition.

The 5th Nutraceutical and Functional Food Asia Pacific Summit 2020 will provide a platform for high-level exchange and collaboration within the functional food industry, continuing Duxes’ support for the industry’s growth in emerging markets. Professionals, whose work relates to functional foods, health foods, food packaging, dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals, are invited to attend.

What you will Learn?
- Insights into the current state of consumer health, highlighting the vibrancy of dietary and nutritional food supplements in Asia Pacific markets.
- Authoritative interpretation of the latest market entry challenges, registration processes and regulatory updates for dietary supplements and nutrition ingredients in China, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and other jurisdictions.
- Find out about new sales channels, cooperate with local distributors and e-commerce retailers.
- Revealing the value of gut health, explore the latest innovation of probiotics and soluble fiber.
- Tap into the growing weight management and sports nutrition markets to meet the demands of new consumer groups.
- Focus on brain health, healthy aging and infant health to help the next generations grow up healthily; learn how practitioners can improve the health of the elderly.
- Open up new opportunities for novel technologies and processes; discuss value, ingredients, challenges and innovation trends like plant-based meat, CBD and alternative protein.
- Discover fast-growing products in the beauty supplements sector; discuss popular ingredients such as protein, coenzyme Q10, vitamins, and more.
- The latest innovation of CBD-based products; discover the marketing potential for CBD in Asia Pacific countries.
- Opportunity to meet potential investors, boost your company by learning about business incubators, discover innovative startups.

For further information, please contact:
Ms. Cindy CUI
Tel.: + 86 21 5258 8005 Ext. 8253
Email: events@duxes.cn
Website: https://www.duxes-foodbeverage.com/functionalfood-NFAP/index.html

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