Interpoma Award 2020: Apply now!

25 kwiecień 2020

The first Interpoma Award, created by Fiera Bolzano in collaboration with partners and experts from the sector, will honour the most innovative projects that revolutionised the apple industry worldwide. The first edition in 2020 is dedicated to varietal innovation.

The apple world is looking towards the future: despite the current international health crisis caused by the spread of the virus SARS-CoV-2, Fiera Bolzano is currently working on the first edition of the Interpoma Award, an award for projects that have contributed in a special way to the development of the apple industry.

A possible candidate for receiving this award could come from any sector of the industry, and be any project focusing on varietal innovation. It could be an innovative breeding programm, a new apple variety or an especially creative marketing project whose success has contributed to the renewal of the marketing of apples.
After the applicaton deadline on October 31st, all projects are going to be evaluated by a jury of industry representatives, each of which experts in their field. The task of the jurors will be to analyse the received applications and to select a single winner. This winner is subsequently going to be honoured in an award ceremony at the Interpoma Congress on November 20th.

The Interpoma Award jury has already been selected and is lead by Michael Oberhuber – Director Research Center Laimburg. The other members are: Georg Kössler - Consortium South Tyrolean Apple President, Prof. Massimo Tagliavini – Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Walter Guerra – pomologist and Head of the Institute for Fruit Growing and Viticulture, Research Center Laimburg, Robert Wiedmer - Director Südtiroler Beratungsring (Rural advisory service provider), Markus Bradlwarter – CEO Variety Innovation Consortium (SK) and Gerhard Dichgans – Consultant and new Interpoma Congress Coordinator.

"Interpoma supports innovation in the apple industry. This is why we have created this award, to honour innovative ideas and projects in the cultivation, storage and the marketing of apples all over the world," explains Michael Oberhuber, President of the Jury. "With this first edition of the Interpoma Award we honour the projects that have revolutionised the global apple industry. Anybody can participate in the competition and all candidates are welcome."

The application forms for the Interpoma Award 2020 are available on the Interpoma website Application deadline is the end of October, all applications should be sent in in English language to After the jury vote, the winner is going to be contacted by a representative of the jury and informed of all further steps.

Facts and figures on the past edition of Interpoma

At Interpoma 2018, 490 exhibitors from 24 countries presented themselves on an exhibition area of 25,000 m². The show was attended by a total of 20,000 visitors, 25% of whom came from outside Italy, namely a variety of 70 different countries.

Application forms for the Interpoma Award 2020:

Interpoma Press Office c/o fruitecom

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