Ecuador reassures Europe of continued fruit supply

27 kwiecień 2020

Despite the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, fresh fruit harvesting, packing and shipping are running safely and efficiently.

PRO ECUADOR announces that the Ecuadorian fresh fruit trade remains open for business in spite of the difficulties posed by the global coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Harvesting, packing and shipping to Europe and across the world continue to operate safely, and as normal as possible under the circumstances.

All ports in Ecuador are 100% operational, and an initial shortage of reefer containers has been resolved. However, some shipments of fruit have encountered delays, compounded by a reduced frequency of services on the part of shipping lines.

Categorised as ‘essential businesses’, all Ecuadorian food export sectors, especially bananas, remain operational. To date, fresh produce suppliers have managed to maintain their operations; locating immediate cover to mitigate any labour loss due to self-isolation during the health emergency.

At the same time, Ecuadorian agricultural businesses continue to comply with international biosecurity and safety standards for the export trade, as well as internal food supply. This guarantees both the health of workers, and the continued strict sanitary control of products in production, transportation, and supply.

Additionally, new asepsis regulations have been incorporated by Ecuador’s agricultural sector, including disinfection arches and the use of antiseptic products recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for cleaning and decontaminating containers entering the country, and those used for exports.

Juan Carlos Yépez Franco, Trade Commissioner of Ecuador for the PRO ECUADOR Trade Office in London and Hamburg, explains: “This is an unprecedented situation throughout the globe but we wish to reassure our customers that Ecuador will not stop exporting; we will continue to supply high quality, safe food to our markets in the UK, across Europe, and worldwide. Ecuador plays an important role in the global produce supply chain, and we remain open for business.”

Despite the lockdown on public life, all of Ecuador’s food production and export sectors (bananas, exotics, cacao, coffee, flowers, prawns, tuna, ports, and customs) are functioning. Food and logistics employees have special permits to go to work, just the same as health professionals, the police, and the army. Meanwhile, non-essential services are closed until further notice.

Yépez Franco notes: “So far, Ecuador’s fresh produce suppliers have managed to keep their operations going. Exporters, likewise, continue to do their best to ship products as scheduled, although some delays have been inevitable because of shipping lines reducing the frequency of their services. Concerns regarding a shortage of packaging materials thankfully have not been realised, at least not up to now. In the mean time, Ecuador’s various regulatory agencies have not stopped issuing Phytosanitary Controls, as well as Certifications for Exportation and Good Agricultural Practices, among others, which is important for the continuation of supply.”

Following a spike in demand for food caused by consumer panic buying at the beginning of the pandemic, more recently Ecuador has experienced a small reduction in fresh produce orders.

Yépez Franco comments: “Fresh produce was in high demand but that has stabilised now. Currently, there is a slight reduction in orders of certain fruits, like bananas. Since the lockdown was enforced across many European countries, people are shopping only once or twice a week. This reduction in shopping frequency has affected fresh produce during the last few weeks. Nonetheless, we expect demand to return to normal soon.”

Press releases: Gill McShane

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