Macfrut Digital trade fair preview now online

2 lipiec 2020
Macfrut Digital is going full steam ahead. The “trade fair preview” will be online from 1st July, less than two months after the first presentation, making the event content available on the platform within the Natlive network. By going to the website   and registering (free of charge), visitors will be able to preview the various sections of the first virtual trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector.

Specifically, visitors may access the “trade fair preview” after registering, by activating an account that will allow them to access Macfrut Digital also during the three days of the trade fair (8-10 September 2020). 

At this stage, once they have logged into the virtual trade fair, visitors will be able to view the various sections of the event: Exhibit, providing information on participation; Visit, illustrating the trade fair and its features over the course of three days; Video, offering the opportunity to preview the videos made by several exhibitors; News&Press, with news and updates; Technical Forums, the live-streamed meetings that will be held during the three days of the trade fair covering the main technical issues in the sector (Aquacampus and irrigation, biostimulants, and Macfrut Field Solutions with field tests).
The deadline to participate as an exhibitor is 25 July 2020. 

Watch the tutorial video, go digital!

Macfrut Digital, the first digital trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector, will be held from 8 to 10 September 2020. The trade fair is organised by Cesena Fiera, in collaboration with Ice-Agenzia, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Crédit Agricole, Ismea, Natlive and Regione Emilia-Romagna.

For more information, please visit 

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