Air Europa recovers its European flights and strengthens its national routes

22 lipiec 2020
The company is adding these operations to the routes started at the end of last month from the peninsula to the Balearic and Canary Islands, and to the trans-oceanic flights it is running between Madrid and Santo Domingo, Sao Paulo, Montevideo, Quito and Guayaquil. Air Europa is committed to operating in accordance with the changing situation and will increase the frequency and add new routes in response to demand, and the gradual lifting of restrictions on the part of the relevant governmental authorities. From the start of next month, August, the airline will therefore be flying once again to Lima, Havana, Miami and New York.  In the coming weeks it will also be operating special new repatriation flights to San Pedro Sula, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Bogotá and Asunción.
Since yesterday, the airline division of the Globalia tourism group,  which offers all passengers a free facemask to reinforce their safety, is running daily flights from Madrid to Rome, Milan, Venice, London, Oporto, Lisbon, Frankfurt, Munich, Dusseldorf, Brussels and Zurich, and there are eight flights every week to Paris from Madrid, as well as two daily flights there from Malaga and Valencia, while there are four more flights to Paris from Palma de Mallorca every week. There are two flights to Athens every week and one to Sardinia.

To help travellers to plan their journey with the utmost tranquillity and confidence, the airline is continuing its unprecedented policy of maximum flexibility regarding changes and special offers with incredible discounts. Pista Libre is a promotion that is running until Sunday that offers unbeatable prices for flights until the end of the year. You can consult all the terms and conditions of the campaign at the website

Air Europa, which is applying every possible safety and hygiene measure to ensure passengers have full confidence and peace of mind, has also improved the conditions of its plans so that travellers can include all their preferred options and to meet their needs. 

Press releases: Air Europa

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