Ecuador Targets UK & Europe for Goldenberry/Physalis Expansion

30 lipiec 2020
The Trade Office of Ecuador in the United Kingdom, PRO ECUADOR, announces its objective to increase exports of Ecuadorian goldenberries (physalis) to the UK and Europe by positioning the healthy fruit as a type of berry with unique flavour, incredible nutrition and convenient versatility. 

PRO ECUADOR is actively pursuing potential new clients across the UK. Already, Ecuador’s leading goldenberry suppliers, Terrafertil and Golden Sweet Spirit, export to Germany, Spain, France and the Netherlands. 

Golden Sweet Spirit will also raise the profile and promote the sales potential of goldenberries among European buyers by taking part in The Global Berry Congress 2020 on 7-9 December in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Juan Carlos Yépez Franco, Trade Commissioner of Ecuador for the PRO ECUADOR Trade Office in London, explains: “In the last three years, Ecuador has exported US$87.1 million-worth of exotic fruit to the European Union (EU). Of that total, exports of fresh and dried goldenberries accounted for US$2.2m, including US$500,000 of dried fruit supplied to the UK. 

“We see considerable potential in the UK, as well as opportunities across the EU, for both fresh and dried goldenberries from Ecuador. Between May and July this year PRO ECUADOR hosted no less than five virtual B2B business events, during which 26 UK buyers expressed their intention to purchase over US$1.5m-worth of Ecuadorian fruit, including US$1.18m-worth of exotics. 

“Despite these unprecedented times, Ecuador and the UK have found ways to strengthen our bilateral trade during the global pandemic. From January to May 2020, Ecuador’s fruit exports have risen by 22 percent in value to US$74.7m, and PRO ECUADOR is working hard to ensure this upward growth is maintained throughout 2020. Furthermore, this year the Ecuadorian National Assembly and President Lenin Moreno ratified the trade agreement between Ecuador, Colombia and Peru with the UK, which guarantees trade continuity between Ecuador and the UK.”

Golden Sweet Spirit is just one Ecuadorian goldenberry supplier that is increasing its production area with a view to expanding its export horizons. 

Dennis Brito Madrid, Director of Ecuador’s Non-Traditional Fruit Growers’ Association and Golden Sweet Spirit’s general manager, reveals: “We wish to create a presence on markets like the UK, where, as a result of Brexit, we expect to launch in the near future. Obviously, the pandemic has slowed our expectations but we remain on the right track. Following Fruit Logistica 2020, where Ecuador benefitted from being the Partner Country, we have a lot of potential clients already. We see many opportunities to grow throughout Europe.”

The time is ripe for the goldenberry to shine. A bright orange Andean fruit that is exotic by nature, goldenberries are distinguished by their unmistakable flavour, juiciness, aroma, and, above all, a very high nutritional content.

Yépez Franco comments: “This is a fruit with an incomparable flavour that starts with a sweet palate and ends with a delicate sour note. Ecuadorian goldenberries have the perfect balance of sweetness and acidity, a fact which is prized by chefs the world over. Once consumers try goldenberries they are converted into regular buyers, especially those looking for health and wellness foods.”

Brito Madrid adds: “We are so convinced of the potential for goldenberries to succeed in the berry category that we are going to The Global Berry Congress 2020 to share our story, and to give this super berry with a super taste a well deserved make-over.”

Goldenberries are considered a super fruit thanks to their high content of antioxidants, Vitamins A, B and C, calcium, zinc, potassium, fibre, and iron, according to independent studies. 

Brito Madrid explains: “This little berry is an incredible nutritional powerhouse! Goldenberries have more antioxidant capacity than apples, gojiberries, broccoli and pomegranate juice! They're a wonderful, natural energy booster, with calcium to strengthen your bones, and more Vitamin C than an orange."

Goldenberries are also very versatile. The fruit can be added to yoghurt, cereal or smoothies for breakfast, eaten as a snack, and used in salads, salsas, cheese platters, stews, curries or soups. Plus, they are highly regarded within the international gastronomy industry for the exquisite flavour and presentation they bring to desserts.

Ecuador supplies retailers, wholesalers and processors with a range of goldenberry formats, including: fresh fruit, dried fruit, jams and frozen. Supply is year-round by air and sea.

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