International Trade Fair for Fruit and Vegetable Marketing in Asia

5 kwiecień 2015

Tickets on sale for Asia’s top produce show - Visitors who book online now save up to 40 per cent on their tickets to this year’s ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA and Asiafruit Congress.
The online ticket shop for ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA and Asiafruit Congress – Asia’s leading trade show and conference event for the fresh fruit and vegetable business – is now open.
Visitors can purchase their tickets online at and make up to a 40 per cent saving on their entrance fee compared with tickets purchased on the door.
ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA – Asia’s only dedicated fresh fruit and vegetable trade fair – is the place to meet and do business with the biggest and best gathering of the international fresh fruit and vegetable business under one roof.
More than 8,100 trade visitors from 64 different countries attended ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014, but again it was the quality and range of the visitors that defined the success of the event.
“The quality of the people here is exceptional,” said Tarun Arora of leading Indian fruit importer IG International at last year’s event. “It’s the serious people in the business.”
Asia is growing, grow with it
Visitors to ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 found an exhibition that had grown by almost a third, with some 478 companies from 38 different countries showcasing their products and services at the event.
ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA is gearing up for an even bigger show this year when it returns to Hong Kong’s AsiaWorld-Expo Center on 2-4 September. With less than five months to go before the doors open, exhibitor registrations are up by 20 per cent on the same stage last year. Exhibitors from 33 different countries have already signed up to take part.
“Every year we go to ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA – we really enjoy the show and it is among the best we attend because we’re watching it grow every year,” said Harold Edwards, CEO of major US citrus group Limoneira. “It’s indicative of what’s happening with per capita consumption levels and lifestyles in that part of world, which is why we love it. As the show grows, so do we.”
Get the best access
Visitors can make the most of the week in Hong Kong by purchasing a full-access pass, which includes delegate entry to Asiafruit Congress on 1 September as well as a three-day pass to ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA.
Taking place the day before ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA, Asiafruit Congress is the premier conference and networking event for Asia’s fresh produce business. Expert speakers explain the latest trends and opportunities in Asia’s fast-growing fresh produce markets, and share strategies for higher sales and better marketing. Delegates get to network with around 400 high-level industry professionals from more than 30 different countries, and find out who and what to focus on at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA.
Asiafruit Congress also hosts the presentation of the Asia Fruit Awards, and concludes with the joint Asiafruit Congress-ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA-Cool Logistics Asia Welcome Reception on the eve of ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA.
Other ticket options are also available, including three-day and one-day passes for ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA.

mat.prasowe: Asia Fruit Logistica

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