European Vegetable Strategies gears up for 2015 conference

19 styczeń 2015

How to grow demand of fresh vegetables in Europe is the key theme of European Vegetable Strategies 2015, the fresh vegetable conference for Europe’s vegetable industry professionals which takes place in Brussels on 6/7 May 2015.

Sales of fresh vegetables in Europe have consistently underperformed their real market potential in view of the positive health and other messages that they provoke in consumers. What steps must the fresh vegetable sector in Europe undertake to engineer a new growth in sales? How can fresh vegetables benefit more from the healthy eating trend? Why don’t they take advantage of the snacking and juice market? Where are the new categories that can help grow vegetables sales?

These are just some of the issue that will be discussed in detail at European Vegetable Strategies 2015, which is organised by Europe’s leading fresh produce trade magazines, Eurofruit, Fruchthandel, and the Fresh Produce Journal.

City centre venue
European Vegetable Strategies takes place at Le Plaza in Brussels on 6-7 May 2015. The hotel is conveniently located in the vicinity of the Grand Place and other Brussel's popular tourist attractions. The Rogier metro station and the Brussels North train station are 500 metres away. Brussels Airport is 16 kilometres away.

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