Demand for ripening systems is rising in Asia.

22 sierpień 2014

MOERKAPELLE, NETHERLANDS – 20 AUGUST 2014 – Interko, the world's leading supplier of cooling and banana ripening systems, will explore new business opportunities in Asia when it exhibits for the first time at Asia Fruit Logistica on 3-5 September 2014 in Hong Kong.
Over the next few years demand for sophisticated cooling and ripening systems is expected to rise significantly in Asia as retailers, distributors and importers prepare to meet increasing consumer requirements for top quality bananas and tropical fruits.
“China, Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia are four key countries that are showing increased interest in installing state-of-the-art ripening systems," explains Chris Maat, managing director/partner of Interko, which designs, manufactures and installs custom cooling and ripening systems for fresh fruit.

“We already have many satisfied customers in China, India, Japan and Malaysia, so we are exhibiting for the first time at Asia Fruit Logistica 2014 with a view to expanding our Asian business further,” Maat reveals.
Interko offers everything from a simple plug and play ripening solution for a basic room to high-end, multi-layer ripening rooms for big distribution centres. “We’re proud to provide solutions to ripen just a few boxes of bananas in the smallest room to as many as 72 pallets in a large room and everything in between,” says Maat.
To date Interko has installed ripening rooms in over 50 countries across the globe. Ripening systems represent approximately 70% of the company’s turnover, while heat exchangers account for a further 30% of activities.

“We are renowned for offering cost-effective, high quality and low-maintenance systems, with a variety of designs that can be used for most common applications," adds Maat. “Clear instructions mean that the systems can be up and running quickly. Gassing systems and gas-tight doors can be delivered as part of the package. Installation can be coordinated by one of the company’s local partners and assembly can also be arranged."

Interko offers bespoke designs and has the resources to pool results from many different clients, countries and fruits. "This feedback enables us to continually improve our systems through testing," Maat points out. "We are looking forward to meeting with prospective clients in Asia and to discussing their requirements with them.”

Meet us in Hong Kong!
Interko will exhibit at Asia Fruit Logistica 2014 on 3-5 September. Come and meet us in Hall 3 at Stand D35 to see first-hand our range of heat exchangers and ripening systems. We hope to meet you there!

About Interko
Interko is the global leader for the design, manufacture and installation of custom cooling and ripening room systems for fresh fruit. Founded over 30 years ago, Interko develops reliable systems that are built to last. Since its creation Interko has installed over 5,000 ripening rooms for bananas, avocados, mangoes, papayas and tomatoes –the earliest of which are still in operation and performing well today.

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