FIERAGRICOLA - Verona (Italy), 3-6 February 2016

10 maj 2015

Fieragricola has been a landmark in international agricultural panorama for over a century and is the only event in Italy ensuring complete coverage of agricultural topics.The wide-ranging exhibits, debates, technical and scientific meetings, performances and dynamic tests ensure that Fieragricola achieves impressive media impact and seeks to anticipate the needs of the market by creating relationships between exhibitors, visitors and sector associations and involving operators thanks to its dynamism and interactivity.Always paying close attention to policies for shared growth and sustainability, Fieragricola has also accompanied the evolution of the Common Agricultural Policy since 1962, helping to stimulate debate between agricultural systems and the world of national and European institutions through dialogue focusing on planning the main directives to be adopted for sustainable growth while also keeping abreast of the needs of producers.

A crossway event focusing on agriculture through a vertical and complete trade offering:
• technologies and products for animal farming, livestock and genetics
• animal shows and auctions
• technologies and products for the renewable energy sector in agriculture
• agricultural machinery, equipment and technologies
• specialised machinery and equipment for vineyards and orchards
• demo areas (open field and vineyards)
• seeds and agricultural chemicals, plants and equipment for protected crops
• products and equipment for green management and forestry activity
• services for agriculture and livestock farming

Re-launching the livestock sector and bioenergy starts off from Verona
Fieragricola is a national landmark for animal farming and bioenergy capable of attracting the attention of buyers, dealers, breeders, sales managers and decision makers from Italy and abroad. This is the major innovation for the 2016 Show, with the intention of re-establishing the event's “international scope” through high-level professionalism and quality standards in line with those seen at the main European livestock fairs.

Fieragricola's strategic investments for the project re-launching the livestock sector and bioenergy in particular envisage:
• dedicated exhibition halls with visitor routes taking in machinery, equipment and technologies for breeding in turned linked with the area dedicated to renewable energy, especially biogas and biomethane
• high-profile forums and conferences for every livestock species
• exhibits of livestock and international cattle auctions
• conferences and events dedicated to veterinarians
• updating and training for breeders, technicians and sector operators.

General information:
Where:  Verona - Veronafiere Exhibition Centre
When:  3-6 February 2016 - from Wednesday to Saturday NEW
Opening hours: 9.00 am - 6.00 pm
Entrance:  on payment - only for professionals
Frequency: biennial (112th edition)

Verona Exhibition Authority - VERONAFIERE
Viale del Lavoro, 8  - 37135 Verona, Italy

To exhibit or receive further information:
Information for visitors:

Foto, press release: VERONAFIERE

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