BIOFRUIT CONGRESS 2020 - All you need to know for the most sustainable demand

21 październik 2020

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DAY 1 – 20/10/20


What's going on in the world of organic F&V? Let's talk about global demand, the latest trends and strategies in the EU market.  

15:00   Welcoming
by Raul Calleja,
15:05   World demand for organic fresh produce & impact of Covid-19 on healthy-eating trend
by Pierre Escodo,
15:15   “Farm-to-Fork” strategy: the objectives of the “EU green deal”. What are the possible action plans for the F&V sector?
Speaker: DG Agri officer, Horticulture division, European Commission 
15:30   The role and development of organics and the shifting use of labels to communicate sustainability
Speaker: Tea Thaning,

15:45   BRICS market opportunities: Omni-channel sourcing strategies for organic fresh produce in China
Speaker: Sophia Yan Xue,
head of procurement of 

16:00   Discussion: Diversifying products and channels, Spanish success stories 

Speakers: Francisco Belmonte, CEO of BIOSABOR 
Paco Casallo, CEO of HACIENDAS BIO 
Adolfo Garcia, CEO of CAMPO SEVEN  

DAY 2 – 21/10/20

What other sustainable and effective value chains are there to meet consumer demand? The panels will discuss alternative competitive supply chains. 
15:00   New zero-residue labels: the challenge to supply more sustainable and competitive products
Speaker: Javier Arizmendi,
director or ZERYA 
15:15   France: consumers with multiple demands:The Auchan group’s responsible supply chain
Speaker: Pierre Escodo,
15:30   Climate targets or revenue targets?BE CLIMATE connects both.
Speaker: Mike Port,
15:45   Permaculture: a possible next stepbeyond organics
Speaker: Didier Fleury
LEHMANN-NATURE business development manager 

16:00   Discussion: How to improve engagement and transparency of certified labels for a greater impact on health, society and the environment. 

DAY 3 – 22/10/20

How to make a difference with organics. Boosting cooperation between breeding & retail and improving organic value chains together. 
15:00   How organic breeding can bring more value chains
Speaker: Maria Teresa Lazzaro from FIBL 
15:15   How to improve quality at retail through better cooperation with breeding
Speaker: Carlo Murer,
supermarket chain manager of ECOR NATURASI 
15:30   German market requirements for vegetable varieties free from cell-fusion breeding technology
Speaker: vegetable breeder Holger Scharpenberg,
from Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren - BNN 
15:45   Success Stories with new organic varietiesand consumer brands
Speaker: Christof Flörchinger from VITALIS 

More information:

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