BIOBEST booms thanks to strong export figures

4 lipiec 2014

BIOBEST from Westerlo has been nominated for the ‘Leeuw van de Export 2014’ award. With this annual award Flanders Investment & Trade rewards companies that do exceptionally well on exports. 95% of Biobest’s 2013 turnover was exported, a very compelling figure for the members of the jury. In total, 24 companies registered for the 13th edition of the contest. The final winner will be announced during a major event on September 17 in Bijloke in Ghent.

Shortly after its foundation in 1987, Biobest became the first company in the world to produce and commercialize bumblebees for biological pollination. Since then, Biobest also became a leader in biological pest control in agriculture. Biobest delivers its products to more than 60 countries and has 12 subsidiaries in 11 countries. In 2013, Biobest employed 434 people worldwide and achieved a consolidated turnover of more than 36.6 million euros of which 95% are exported.

The ‘Leeuw’ is awarded in two categories: one for ‘small or middle-sized’ and one for ‘large’ companies. This year, there were 24 candidates, of which 16 ‘small or middle-sized’ and 8 ‘large’ companies. The successes of previous winners speak for themselves: Waterleau, Duvel Moortgat, DEME and H.Essers have been among the winners.

“Winning the ‘Leeuw van de Export’ sends a strong message to suppliers, customers and potential employees” says Gert Bervoets, CEO of logistics company H.Essers, last year’s winner in the category ‘large’ companies. “We are proud to have won this award and this award was a strong asset in our communication strategy.”

This year, Brouwerij L. Huyghe, HTMS and Vermeiren Princeps have been nominated in the category ‘small or medium-sized’ companies. Agristo, BIOBEST and Datwyler Pharma Packaging Belgium have been nominated in the category ‘large’ companies.

From these 6 success stories, the jury will select 2 winners. The winners in each category will receive their award on Wednesday 17th of September from the hands of the Minister-president of the Flemish government. The winners may carry the title of ‘Leeuw van de Export 2014’ for a whole year.

For more information please contact

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