Get ready to do more business in Hong Kong

22 lipiec 2014

ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA and Asiafruit Congress have an unparalleled combination of business, networking and learning opportunities lined up for trade visitors to Hong Kong this September.
Visitors to ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA on 3-5 September will find a trade fair that has grown by 25 per cent in size. With more than 440 exhibitors from 38 countries and all six continents signed up for the sell-out show at AsiaWorld-Expo Center, the opportunities to meet with top-quality buyers, suppliers and service providers are stronger than ever.
Appointments can be made in advance with exhibitors via ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA’s Virtual Market Place at The online resource enables trade visitors to view the complete list of exhibitors, preview their business profiles and schedule meetings.
Almost 20 different nations have booked national pavilions at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014, including Argentina, Australia, China, Chile, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, Vietnam and the US.
Costa Rica, Poland, Saudi Arabia and Yemen are exhibiting for the first time, while leading industry players such Naturipe Farms, Mr Apple and CoolFresh International will also be making their debut appearance on the show floor.
Get in early to get ahead
Asiafruit Congress, Asia’s premier fresh produce conference, takes place the day before ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA on 2 September. Organised by Asiafruit Magazine, the high-impact full-day conference and networking event is attended by the decision-makers in Asia’s fresh produce business. Top-level speakers share their expert insights on the latest trends in the region’s fast-moving markets, so it’s a great way to make new contacts, and to learn who and what to focus on at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA. Delegates can purchase a full-access pass to attend Asiafruit Congress and ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA and make the most of their week in Hong Kong.
Speakers for this year’s Asiafruit Congress include: the president and CEO of Dole Asia, David DeLorenzo, who joins the opening panel discussion on brands; Patrick Vizzone, regional head of food and agribusiness in Asia for National Australia Bank, who leads a breakout session on food safety; and Dr Bruce Campbell, chief operating officer of New Zealand-based fruit science company Plant & Food Research, who looks at breeding and product development for the current and future demands of consumers in Asia.
Asiafruit Congress concludes on the evening of 2 September with the presentation of the 2014 Asia Fruit Awards and the Asiafruit Congress-ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA Welcome Reception, a gala cocktail and networking event not to be missed.

Business Forum
Visitors with exhibition-only passes to ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA can also attend the Business Forum, a programme of informal information sessions held each day on the show floor. The Business Forum is designed to offer useful information and practical insights for trade visitors from throughout the value chain. Kenneth Wee of Total Agri Marketing and Lisa Cork of Fresh Produce Marketing discuss persuasive packaging, while Jan Doldersum of Rijk Zwaan and Jen Scoular from NZ Avocado explain how culinary inspiration drives their marketing efforts.
With such a wealth of business opportunities on offer at Asia’s leading fresh fruit and vegetable show, it’s time to start preparing for your trip. Book your flights, reserve your hotel room and organise your visa (if required).
Go to the online ticket shop and book your visitor pass to attend this year’s ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA. You’ll make up to a 35 per cent saving on tickets purchased on the door, or contact Ms. Claudia Bach by email or by telephone +49 30 3038 2373.

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