25 marzec 2022
Exhibitors and trade visitors can now participate in the leading trade fair for the global fruit trade, which will take place in Berlin from 5 to 7 April 2022 without any conditions. The ticket shop is now open and tickets are only available online.
"Meet onsite again" is the motto of this year's FRUIT LOGISTICA. The conditions that the global fresh produce industry will need to follow when it meets in Berlin from the from 5 to 7 April 2022 are now clear. And there is good news: From the 1 April 2022, almost all Corona restrictions in Berlin will be lifted. Participants will now be able to attend major events, such as trade fairs, without having to present any proof of testing, recovery or vaccination. The new regulation pertaining to corona measures in Germany as well as the low number of infections in Berlin as compared to the rest of the country will allow people to visit shops, restaurants, bars and cafés again without any restrictions. In addition, the regulation about wearing masks has also been lifted almost everywhere and remains primarily applicable only for public transport.
Kai Mangelberger, Director of FRUIT LOGISTICA, definitely sees the Corona relaxations as beneficial: "It is the first time in more than two years that all exhibitors and trade visitors can come together the way they have been used to doing it, without having to provide proof of their testing, recovery or vaccination. Especially for our international participants the elimination of the complicated entry regulations is an enormous relief. Visitors from over 100 countries have already bought their tickets. At FRUIT LOGISTICA, they will finally have the opportunity to meet the entire global fresh produce industry, thus gaining exciting insights, learning about the latest innovations and benefiting from new networking opportunities. In short: the long-awaited reunion can finally take place!"Although masks are not mandatory in the exhibition halls, the organisers strongly recommend that they be voluntarily worn, especially in the aisle and entrance areas.
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