Trade gets ready for biggest-ever gathering in Asia

12 czerwiec 2014

Visitors to ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA can expect to find more business opportunities than ever at the Hong Kong event. Hong Kong, 12 June 2014 – Attending the upcoming edition of ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA and Asiafruit Congress offers produce professionals the best value investment for their business this year in Asia.

The continent’s leading trade show and conference event for the fresh fruit and vegetable business is gearing up to welcome the biggest gathering of the global produce trade in Asia to date. Returning to AsiaWorld-Expo Centre on 3-5 September, ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 has already smashed previous records for the area of exhibition space sold. Companies from some 36 countries and six continents have signed up to exhibit, with Costa Rica, Poland, Saudi Arabia and Yemen all making their debut appearance at the show.

Almost 20 different nations have booked national pavilions at the event, including Argentina, Australia, China, Chile, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, Vietnam and the US. “At ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA, we can connect with everyone and define our business programmes,” says José Antonio Gomez, chief operating officer of Peruvian agribusiness giant Camposol. “It’s the one trip that saves you 20.”

Visitors can book their tickets online, selecting full-access or exhibition-only passes. Full-access pass holders enjoy entry to both the three-day trade fair, and the Asiafruit Congress, Asia’s premier fresh produce conference event, which takes place the day before ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA at AsiaWorld-Expo on 2 September.

The high-impact full-day conference and networking event is attended by the decision-makers in Asia’s fresh produce business. Top-level speakers share their expert insights and quality information on the latest trends in the region’s fast-moving markets, so it’s also a great way to prepare for ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA. View the full programme at

Asiafruit Congress concludes with the presentation of the 2014 ASIA FRUIT AWARDS and the Asiafruit Congress-ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA Welcome Reception, a top-quality networking event not to be missed.Visitors with exhibition-only passes to ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA can attend the Business Forum, a programme of two daily information sessions on the show floor organised by Asiafruit Magazine.

With such a wealth of business opportunities on offer, it’s time to start preparing for your trip. Book your flights, reserve your hotel room and organise your visa (if required). Go to the online ticket shop and book your visitor pass to attend this year’s ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA. 

For further information:

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