Projekty inwestycyjne związane z budową i modernizacją zespołów szklarniowych

16 lipiec 2021

Date: 1-3 December 2021
Place: Moscow, Baltschug Kempinski 
Organised by: Vostock CapitalTel.: +44 207 394 3090


6th Annual International Forum Greenhouse Complexes Russia & CIS 2021is an established professional international platform for attracting investment in the Greenhouse Industry of Russia, discussion of industry development strategies, exchanging experience between key market players and signing new win-win contracts. 

The Forum is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Silver sponsors: Svetogor, Gavita. Bronze sponsor: Hortilux.Industry partner: the Association “Greenhouses of Russia”.Onsite Visit Partners: AgrokombinatMoskovsky, Podosinki greenhouse complex.

The event annually brings together over 500 delegates from the largest federal and regional agriholdings, heads of retail chains and service companies, presidents of national unions and associations. Just to name a few: ECO-Culture,  Stavropol Flavour, Greenhouse, Ovoschevod, Grow Group Azerbaijan, Yagodnaya Dolina, Tander, X5 Retail Group, Agricultural Complex Gorkovskiy, AgrocombineMoskovskiy, MC AgroParkPlody s Gryadki, Yug-Agro, ECO-farm Mazilovo, Trading House Vyborgec, Green Farmer, Sun Valley, Growth Technology, Yagodnaya Dolina, Udmurt Flowers, FITO, MWM RUS, Horti XS BV, Pylot, AgroBioTechnologyand many others.

Among the speakers and honorary guests 2020: DzhambulatKhatuov, First Deputy Minister, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation; Dmitry Aveltsov, CEO, Ministry of Agriculture of the RF Center of Agroanalytics Federal state budgetary organization; Inna Rykova, Head of the Sectorial Economy Centre, The Federal State Budgetary Institution Financial research Institute of the Ministry of finance of the Russian Federation; DmirtyLashin, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Lipetskagro; Alexey Shemetov, Vice-President, Production Operation, Agricultural Holding ECO-Culture; Dmitry Lisnevskiy, Minister,Ministry of Investment Policy of Sakhalin Region; SharipSharipov, First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Dagestan; Alexander Belkovets, General Director, Trading House Vyborgec, AgrofirmaVyborgec; Andrey Chigin, General Director, Stavropol Flavour and many others.

Forume Highlights2021:
• 500+ executives of flagship greenhouse complexes and agriholdings from Russia and the CIS – Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, as well as investors, government representatives, chief agronomists, managers of retail chains and service companies
• NEW! 2 TECHNICAL VISITS to state-of-the-art greenhouse complexes – Agrokombinat Moskovsky (vegetable farming) and Podosinki (flower cultivation)
• Leaders' debates: the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, agroholdings, investors, initiators. Post-pandemic status of greenhouse industry• Greenhouse investment projects on modernisation and construction with the implementation period of 2021-2025 from all Russian regions and the CIS countries
• NEW! HYDROPONICS AND VERTICAL FARMING. What is the difference from traditional industrial cultivation? Technology development prospects
• FOCUS SESSION: STRATEGIES TO INCREASE SALES. How to establish interaction between suppliers and retailers for the benefit of all?
• HOW TO OPTIMISE PRODUCTION WITH THE HELP OF INNOVATIVE GREENHOUSE TECHNOLOGIES. How innovations boost to the development of the greenhouse industry?
• INCREASE IN YIELD AND RESISTANCE – MODERN APPROACHES TO CULTIVATION. Parallel round tables for agronomists in the following areas: fruit and vegetable and lettuce greenhouses, mushroom complexes, berry greenhouses
• Presentation of modern equipment and technologies for greenhouse complexes from top companies from the Netherlands, Israel, Germany, Italy, Spain, and other countries
• Fast and efficient! Road show of innovative technologies and equipment by the global leaders

Registration: -

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