Germiterra seeds

24 maj 2014

May we introduce you our company, one of the largest Brazilian producers of pasture seeds. From our own growing fields, we supply over 2500 tons a year of different species of improved seeds to cattle farmers all over Brazil. We are also exporting our varieties to a network of distributors throughout Latin America, all the way from Argentina through Mexico, as well to some African and Middle Eastern countries. Our clients are very satisfied with the results obtained from their grazing fields established with our seeds. By feeding their cattle with our improved species, their daily weight gain can reach up to 1 kg per head (for beef cattle). In our Latin American context, our seeds are more applicable to establish grazing fields designed for cattle feeding. However, some of our varieties, like Panicum Tanzania, Momba￧a and Massai are highly efficient also for sheep, goat and camels. The remarkable feature about our seeds is their germination rate: beyond 65% under real germination. On tetrazoleum salt tests, their viability can reach up to 85%. The reason for such a high germination rate is the harvesting process. Ripe seeds are not mowed into a combined harvester while on pods still standing on their stalks. Rather, we let them fall on the ground and then collect them with a ground-sweeping machine or even manually. We then clean them through an extensive winnowing and sorting system until they reach a 95% purity rate. That is why we call then soil seeds, because they are collected from the ground when nature has already ripened them for germination. Another important feature of our seeds is an attractive ratio of their cost/benefit relationship. With our improved seeds, a 4-kilo per hectare sowing density is enough to establish a grazing field to sustain 3 to 4 heads per hectare. For all their nourishing characteristics, their cost is very low. We can assure you that our improved seeds can turn out to be a major asset for development of grazing fields in your area, at a surprisingly low cost. More information:

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