Anuga 2021 - Cyfrowe bilety jednodniowe są już dostępne online

16 sierpień 2021
Koelnmesse has implemented a comprehensive package of measures to ensure that attending Anuga 2021 is a safe and successful trade fair experience for all participants. Digital, named-day-only tickets are now available to order in the form of QR codesfrom the Ticket Shop on the Anuga website. Combined with the required recognised digital proof of full vaccination, testing or recovery, these measures ensure a safe trade fair experience for everyone. 

Early online registration on an individual basis enables traceability in the event of a coronavirus infection. It also means that ticket desks will not be required on the trade fair grounds, and hence participants will not have to wait at the entrances. The entire process is clearly set out on the Anuga website. Click here for tickets and admission regulations.

The Ticket Shop for Anuga 2021, which will be hosted from 09.10. to 13.10. 2021, is now open. All participants – exhibitors, visitors, media representatives or service personnel – can register for their named-day-only, digital tickets in the Ticket Shop. After redeeming a code or purchasing a ticket in the Ticket Shop, a digital ticket will be available on their smartphone. The ticket is then activated in the Anuga app, which will be available to download from Google Play (Android) or the App Store (iOS) from 09.09.2021. Participants log in to the app using the same login details that they entered when registering in the Ticket Shop. All registered participants will naturally receive a timely reminder and will be provided with all the information they need about the registration process. In addition to activating the ticket, the IDS app is also used to obtain tickets for local public transport. These will be available directly in the app at the latest 14 days before the event opens. To the Ticket Shop.

Vaccinated, recovered or tested: the principle for safe accessSafety trumps everything: Those wishing to participate in Anuga 2021 must have either been fully vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19 within a minimum of 28 days and a maximum of six months, or received a recent negative test result (from a test taken within the last 48 hours for antigen tests or the last 72 hours for PCR tests). The “vaccinated, recovered or tested” principle applies to all trade fair participants.

The EU Digital COVID Certificate (DCC), issued by EU member states, is accepted as digital proof of vaccination. The certificate contains a QR code, which can be stored in various smartphone apps – in Germany, the CovPass app or the Corona-Warn app, for instance. Further information on the EU DCC and the apps that can display the certificate is available here:

Trade fair participants who do not have direct access to a digital COVID certificate that meets the EU DCC standard can obtain a QR code by taking a test at any participating test centre that issues EU DCC QR codes in any EU member state or in Cologne before visiting the trade fair grounds.

Photo: Koelnmesse / Anuga

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