Sorma Group wprowadza nową maszynę na Macfrut 2021

12 sierpień 2021
From 7 to 9 September 2021 Sorma Group will be exhibiting at Macfrut, the international Fruit & Veg Professional Show which is to return to face-to-face mode this year in Rimini (stand 147, hall D1). It is the ideal occasion for the company to give the world première of a new weighing machine, offering excellent performances, superior to those already on the market, in terms of speed, precision and delicacy. 

“The new weighing machine to be unveiled at Macfrut,” comments Andrea Mercadini, CEO of the Sorma Group, ”is the result of the adoption of the best existing technologies and Sorma’s non-stop dialogue with the industry. Our goal is to develop projects that meet concrete needs in the after-harvest segment, where we can now offer a unique service. This machine represents another step forward in technological innovation and the fight against waste.” 

In fact, it is a completely new development for Sorma, which has gathered inputs and feedback from its partner packers to design a piece of machinery that meets a hitherto unsatisfied need in terms of low cost, compact size and speed.This machine will also be sharing the stage with the products the Sorma Group has presented during the last year, which will be exhibited “live” for the first time. 

First and foremost, HyperVision, the Sorma Group’s proprietary optical sorter machine that delivers extremely precise fruit selection thanks to a cutting-edge, multi-wavelength lighting solution that can analyse up to 15 pieces of fruit per second, compared to an average of 12 for other solutions on the market. This solution is already installed in plants in Sicily, Italy, and in various foreign countries, where it has proven its unique characteristics.

The spotlight will also be on the packaging machines using 100% FSC certified paper for fruit and vegetables, in the “PaperPillow” and “PaperStandup” variants, in version with or without finger grip. All package sizes incorporate a cellulose mesh window which enables air exchange around the product – for a longer shelf life – and lets the consumer check quality when purchasing. The PaperStandup model, in particular, has already been adopted by Esselunga, Coop, Romagnoli, Patfrut, Oranfrizer, Almaverde and Pommes Alliance. 

Last but not least, SormaPeel, the innovative pack enabling an average 35% reduction in the amount of plastic compared to traditional packagings. Moreover, the easily separable bonding of paper and plastic facilitates the correct recycling of both materials by consumers and disposal plants alike. During its development, SormaPeel has obtained major certifications including Aticelca Level A and FSC Paper. These are in addition to the assessment issued by Mérieux NutriSciences Company which, after analysing product samples, declared that the packaging was designed with materials or their combinations compatible with known, relevant, industrially available recycling technologies (EN 13430 A.3.1). Furthermore, the tests performed by Mérieux NutriSciences Italia prove that the user can easily sort the packaging’s components (EN 13430 B.4.3). It is no coincidence that SormaPeel has already been chosen by Esselunga, Carrefour, Coop, Aldi Italia, and Selex as well as many other businesses, for a total of 80 articles.

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