Macfrut 2021, oczekiwanie wciąż rośnie
1 wrzesień 2021
The 2021 edition of Macfrut, the international trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector, is just around the corner. From 7 to 9 September, at the Rimini Expo Centre (Italy), the international fruit and vegetable industry will gather once again in person at a three-day trade fair packed with events, technical tests and, above all, trade relations. A total of 800 exhibiting companies will be present, 20% of which are from abroad, representing all industry segments (production, technology, machinery, packaging, logistics, services, etc.) and 500 international buyers have already been accredited.
As the 38th edition draws closer, enthusiasm is growing not only among sector professionals but also among the organisers who have been working hard over the last few months to ensure the successful and safe running of this trade fair, which will be the first major in-person event dedicated to agri-food. ‘We are proud to be able to say that the 2021 edition of Macfrut will inject new optimism’, says Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut, ‘and we are pleased with the feedback we are receiving from our exhibitors as it once again shows just how committed they are to this event. Trade relations should be conducted face to face; however, over the last few months, they have been subject to restrictions due to the ban on in-person gatherings at large specialist events. The figures show that sector professionals are very eager to meet again and feel the need to do so. The organisers of Macfrut have been working tirelessly to make this happen and to make sure that the trade fair can take place as safely as possible,’ concludes Piraccini.
A hybrid formatMacfrut 2021 will be a special edition, not only because this will be the first major in-person event for the fruit and vegetable industry, but also because it is a hybrid format. In fact, those who will not be able to come to Rimini can participate virtually by registering at macfrutdigital.com. The online platform will offer the opportunity to hold B2B meetings, watch recorded conferences and visit the virtual stands of the exhibiting companies.
The China DayMacfrut will officially kick off on 6 September with a virtual preview dedicated to China. The China Day will be hosted on the macfrutdigital.com platform and is organised in collaboration with the ATPC (Agricultural Trade Promotion Centre), the Chinese government body that promotes agricultural products. In addition to the exhibition there will be a dedicated area for B2B meetings as well as the second edition of the Italy-China Forum, which will be the largest event for trade exchanges with China ever held outside of the country. The exhibition area will be divided into two pavilions: the China pavilion, which will feature 111 Chinese companies representing leading producers from 20 provinces, including Guangdong (tropical fruit) and Hebei (apples and pears), and the international pavilion, with about 20 exhibitors interested in the Chinese market.All virtual stands will remain online during Macfrut and will be visible in English, Chinese and Italian, while an English-Chinese interpreting service will be available to exhibitors and buyers during B2B meetings.
International conferencesSeveral international conferences are also scheduled to take place in person, but they will also be recorded and made available online for those who want to watch them at a later time.The Italian Berry Congress, a great new addition to Macfrut 2021, promoted by Ncx Drahorad and ItalianBerry.it in cooperation with Macfrut, will be held on 8 September. This event will focus on experiences in the entire berry industry, which will be shared by participants from the world’s main production and marketing areas: a meeting place for nurserymen, producers, packers and large-scale retailers.The Biosolutions International Forum, aimed at bringing together the Mediterranean production chains and the world of biostimulants, will take place on 9 September. Both events will include an exhibition and a conference.The fourth edition of the International Asparagus Days, instead, will be held throughout Macfrut: a three-day exhibition with conferences, field demonstrations and technical visits to companies dedicated to the entire asparagus industry.
A Covid-free trade fairIn accordance with the Covid-19 measures taken by the Italian government, Macfrut will only be accessible to those who have a Green Pass or an equivalent international certificate. Those who do not have one will be able to take a rapid test at the exhibition centre at either of the two entrances.
AccreditationTo get your ticket to Macfrut, please follow the steps online
at this link.
To access the macfrutdigital.com platform, you must first register
here (registration is free of charge).
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