Macfrut 2021, innowacje technologiczne zajmują centralne miejsce
27 maj 2021
The 2021 edition of Macfrut, to be held from 7 to 9 September at the Rimini Expo Centre, will focus on technology, with four dynamic areas: International Asparagus Days, Macfrut Field Solution, Acquacampus and Greenhouse Technology Village.
Sensors to remotely guide agricultural machinery, drones for treatments and devices that monitor soil moisture in real time. These innovations are all examples of Agriculture 4.0, which demonstrate that this sector plays an increasingly central role in a true technological revolution, and will be on show at Macfrut, from 7 to 9 September in Rimini. In fact, if there is one lesson that the sector has learnt from the Covid-19 pandemic, it is the awareness that competitiveness in the international market and innovation go hand in hand.
The international trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector will feature four dynamic areas with different activities, all with the same theme: innovation. These will include the fourth edition of the International Asparagus Days, which will be hosted by Macfrut for the first time; a test field for agricultural machinery with Macfrut Field Solution; Acquacampus, dedicated to innovations in irrigation; and the Greenhouse Technology Village, dedicated to the world of protected crops.
‘The future of our industry depends on the development of technology that allows us to cut down costs and increase quality and production yields,’ says Luciano Trentini, coordinator of the dynamic areas. ‘The fact that we can see these innovations in action is an added value for producers and technicians who will be guided in their choices. These technologies often improve environmental, economic and social sustainability; they are increasingly demanded by consumers and strongly supported by European policies. The four dynamic areas at Macfrut point in this direction and provide a detailed insight into an ever-changing sector.’
International Asparagus Days (IAD)
Now in its fourth edition, the IAD offers field demonstrations, conferences and visits. This area, organised with the scientific and technical support of Christian Befve, one of the world’s leading experts in the industry, will cover all aspects related to asparagus: from new varieties to nursery production, from preparing the land for planting to looking after asparagus beds, from harvesting both white and green asparagus to processing produce in an environmentally friendly way in order to guarantee high-quality products for end consumers.
Macfrut Field SolutionsThe trade fair will also feature a real demonstration field covering more than 1,000 square metres, larger than the one seen in previous editions, where farmers and technicians will have the opportunity to see how cutting-edge machines and equipment work in the era of Agriculture 4.0. This area has been designed in cooperation with Cermac, the Consortium for the internationalisation of Italian manufacturers of machinery, equipment, technologies and accessories for agriculture, agro-industry and animal husbandry. ‘Macfrut kicks off the post-Covid era and, if the sector is to recover, a major international showcase is exactly what it needs,’ explains Enrico Turoni, President of Cermac. ‘This is why, as a Consortium, we have decided to invest in both the digital and physical parts of the trade fair as well as setting up a test field for showcasing the latest technological innovations.’
AcquacampusWater is increasingly becoming a primary commodity and its use in agriculture will be the focus of Acquacampus, the dynamic area showcasing cutting-edge technology applied to water resources in greenhouses and open fields. It will be implemented by CER (Canale Emiliano Romagnolo), coordinated by Gioele Chiari, together with ANBI (National Association of Land Reclamation).
Greenhouse Technology VillageThere is growing talk of vertical farming, soilless cultivation and modern floating production systems. The Greenhouse Technology Village is where production and technology will meet: an innovation village dedicated to greenhouse horticulture set up in the exhibition halls of the Rimini Expo Centre. Producers of technologies, materials and technical equipment will be attending along with seed companies and specialised nurserymen.
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