COEXPAN przeszedł pomyślnie audyt BRC w swoich zakładach w Hiszpanii, Włoszech i Francji
23 czerwiec 2021
COEXPAN has passed the BCR Packaging Materials audit at several of its plants worldwide, confirming the Group's commitment to manufacture safe products that comply with the most stringent packaging requirements.
The Group's plants located in Alcalá de Henares (Spain), Montonate (Italy), Beaucouzé and Roye (France) have obtained grade "A" and "AA" BRC ratings that represent a magnificent achievement for each plant and are an acknowledgement the excellence of its employees.
The key aim of the BRC standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials is to protect the consumer by providing a common basis for the certification of companies supplying packagings to food producers, ensuring that they comply with a set of requirements that guarantee the hygiene and maximum safety of foodstuffs.
COEXPAN has also renewed FSSC 22000 food safety certification at its plants in São Paulo (Brazil), Querétaro (Mexico) and Moscow (Russia). In addition, its plant in Germany has also been awarded FSSC 22000 certification for the first time.
Both certifications, FSSC 22000 and BRC, aim to safeguard the interests of the consumer and establish the basis for guaranteeing the manufacture of products that are safe and environmentally and socially sound.
COEXPAN works constantly to promote a culture of food quality and safety worldwide, focusing on 3 key pillars: maximising customer satisfaction, providing the highest quality standards and encouraging a culture of continuous improvement. The renewal and award of these certifications show the company's total commitment to these three pillars.
It is also important to highlight that EMSUR, Coexpan's sister company specialised in the manufacture of flexible packaging, has recently obtained quality and environment certification. In this case, in addition to the BRC and FSSC certifications, it has also renewed its FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certificate that evaluates the origin of forest products to guarantee to consumers that the forest products are from responsibly managed forests.
Both companies share the firm commitment to foster sustainability, by providing products that optimise the use of natural resources and reduce their environmental impact, while at the same time promoting food preservation. They focus on eco-design and the circularity of their packaging through increasingly sustainable and safe solutions.
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