VOG, focus on varietal planning at Macfrut Digital

7 wrzesień 2020
CEO Walter Pardatscher in the video on the virtual stand: “In our 75 years of history, we’ve never stopped looking to the future, making innovation one of the main drivers of our growth”. 

A virtual stand, animated not only by videos and images, but also by the option of booking on-line appointments to learn more about the VOG Consortium’s philosophy and approach. The Consortium of South Tyrol - Südtirol Fruit and Vegetable Growing Cooperatives will be amongst the participants at the first edition of Macfrut Digital, Italy’s biggest fruit and vegetable show, taking place this year in a completely new, original way due to the health emergency. 

From Tuesday 8 to Thursday 10 September 2020, visitors will be able to immerse themselves in the world of the VOG Consortium’s South Tyrolean apples thanks to a virtual space including a corporate video produced specifically for Macfrut Digital and the splendid scenery featured in the Marlene® video entitled “I am Marlene®, daughter of the Alps”. 

“We are enthusiastic about taking part in this new, innovative edition of Macfrut, the historic event where the Italian and international fruit and vegetable production chains meet up every year", comments Walter Pardatscher, CEO of the VOG Consortium. “We saw the idea of transforming a difficulty into a new opportunity as a courageous, intelligent choice. What’s more, this year the VOG Consortium turns 75 and, at the same time, Marlene® celebrates its 25Th birthday. So we just had to be present, to bear witness to our history, our tradition and the innovation central to everything we do.” 

The main focus of the on-line B2B meetings involving the VOG managerial team will be category management and the major varietal innovation plan currently underway, which will provide the VOG Consortium with an assortment of varieties enabling us to supply everyone with the right apple for all their needs, through all 12 months of the year. “The new sales season has just begun, and prospects are definitely good: overall quality is excellent with larger sizes than last season and a market unhampered by stocks,” Mr Pardatscher concludes.“During the various digital meetings held during the three days of Macfrut Digital, we will be able to answer questions to give those interested a full picture of our output and our major projects for the near future.” 

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