Interpoma 2014: a fruitful success

28 listopad 2014

Bolzano, 27 November 2014 – 423 exhibiting companies from 20 different nations, plus 17,974 visitors from over 70 countries... these are the vital statistics from the ninth edition of this trade show devoted to the world of the apple. "Three quarters of the visitors come from outside South Tyrol, with a large proportion coming from all over Europe – featuring a notable rise in numbers from Eastern Europe, especially Serbia, Moldavia and Poland – and from over 70 nations worldwide, including: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, South Korea, Egypt, Ecuador, Georgia, Jordan, Japan, Haiti, India, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Russia, South Africa, Tunisia, Turkey Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan and the USA”, states Reinhold Marsoner, the Director of the Fiera Bolzano Exhibition Centre.

100% positive comments and compliments made by visitors at Interpoma 2014


From a survey carried out by Fiera Bolzano on a sample of 388 visitors, it emerges that 100% of the interviewees judged the event either “good” (63%), “very good” (34%), or “satisfactory” (3%) while 62% declared that they intended to do business with the exhibitors they had made contact with.

Interpoma's public is extremely specialised, consisting largely of sector operators from all over the world, the majority (55%) consisting of apple-growers, followed by growers of other fruit (17%), fruit&vegetable sales operators (11%) and agricultural machinery companies (12%).
Satisfaction among exhibitors at Interpoma 2014

All the exhibitors interviewed showed convinced enthusiasm about the positive results of the world's only trade show devoted exclusively to the cultivation, storage and marketing of apples.

Riccardo Zanzi, sales director of Zanzi Nurseries, commented: "We've been taking part in both Agrialp and Interpoma for over 10 years now. We are very happy with the results this year, particularly with the contacts established with operators from Eastern Europe. Interpoma is the most important show of all, both for the Italian and the international markets. No doubt about it: we'll be back for the next edition."


Moira Marcon, from Longobardi marketing, was also extremely pleased: "Interpoma continues to develop and improve in size and quality, and to attract more and more international operators. This is the 9th time we've come here, and in our opinion this event is reaching the level of Fruit Logistica. We especially appreciate its international dimension, and were particularly impressed by the volume of visitors from Canada, America and Greece. We are very satisfied with the way Interpoma is growing, and will certainly be coming back next time."
Roberto Cimadon, Administrative Director of Holder Italia was equally convinced:

"We're pleased with the new contacts we have established: our main focus is on the Italian market, but we noticed a lot of interest in our machinery vehicles from Austrian and Polish operators. Being present in Interpoma is a great launching pad, and we'll return next time for sure."

Great interest was also shown towards the Guided Tours and the International Congress: 240 people took up Interpoma's offer of guided tours visiting local apple-growing establishments, and 1,040 signed up for the three-day conference "The Apple in the World". This year this major event focused particularly on new market trends and on developments in the organisation of worldwide apple marketing, plus sustainable apple cultivation, new scientific and research developments, and on how fruit growers face the challenge of adapting to climate change.

mat.prasowe INTERPOMA

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