7 styczeń 2015

Online registration is now open for the UK Fruit & Vegetable Congress – FPJ Live, giving delegates the opportunity to take advantage of favourable early bird rates.
To sign up, visit, and click the ‘Register’ button in the top right.

The 2015 event, supported by headline sponsor the NFU, promises to home in on some of the most pressing issues affecting the trade. It opens with a session focused on Multiple Retail, the changing face of the supply chain and the Rise of the Discounters.
A second session throws the spotlight on some of the leading suppliers in the trade and how they are adapting their businesses to meet the demands of the modern business.
Breakout sessions will focus on Innovation in Growing and Science & Technology, giving producers the chance to learn new ways to improve and streamline their businesses.
After lunch, the spotlight moves Beyond the Big 4 to examine opportunities beyond the major mults in foodservice, exports and wholesale.
The day concludes with a one-to-one on-stage interview with a major industry name, giving the audience the chance to put their questions and have their say.
Speakers already confirmed include Johnathan Sutton, technical manager at Marks & Spencer; Subway’s procurement director Mike Attwood; Ed Garner of Kantar Worldpanel and Guy Poskitt, MD of leading carrot grower MH Poskitt and chairman of the NFU Board for Horticulture. Further big name speakers will be announced over the coming weeks.

FPJ editor Michael Barker said: “We’ve got some superb speakers already on the programme, and I’m looking forward to announcing some further, really significant industry names in the next few weeks. I’d urge anyone with an interest in the future development of the UK supply chain to head on over, take advantage of the early bird rate and secure their place.”

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