Interpoma: over 400 exhibitors from 20 different countries

11 listopad 2014

New apple varieties, new mutations, new methods for protecting apple trees, new machinery and equipment, new products... Everything to do with the apple sector will be under the spotlight from 20 to 22 November 2014 in the display halls of the Bolzano Exhibition Center (South Tyrol/Italy). The Interpoma trade show takes place every two years, and with every edition the number of exhibiting companies rises: this year will feature a full house, with 400 companies from 20 countries.

Bolzano, 12 November 2014 – Interpoma is the only totally apple-devoted trade show in the world. A truly international event, housed in an area of 25,000 m² and covering the whole supply chain regarding Adam and Eve's fruit, from growing to conservation to marketing. As usual, many nurseries will be lined up to present new apple varieties and new improvements in the field of mutations. But there will also be numerous novelties for the apple-growing sector: such as stronger cement supports or products aimed at improving fruit quality such as intelligent light-reflecting materials which improve apple colouring. 
Various exhibiting companies have also announced the presentation of new developments in machinery and accessory equipment for use in apple cultivation: tractors, soil treatment machinery, harvesting aids, new plant-health treatments and instruments for crate-transport.  One display will consist of an integrated bin movement system on trailers which uses a conveyor belt to place the crates in the desired position.
Other products concern parasite control: the "Puffer" method, for instance, creates sexual confusion among insects and represents a milestone in the battle against parasites.  This consists of a programmable electro-mechanical diffuser device that uses aerosol technology to spray pheromones from a spray can which causes lethal sexual confusion.
Also on display will be various tools for processing and refining apples, such as dryers and pulpers. Plus top companies will show machine tools in action for sorting, storing and packing ready-to-eat sliced apple, apple mousse and apple juice.

Tickets and opening hours
Interpoma will be open from Thursday 20 to Saturday 22 November, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. A one-day ticket costs €18 (online €10), while a pass for two or three days costs €26. Entry is free for children under 12.
Tickets for the International Congress "The Apple in the World":
1 day (including entry to Interpoma): €60; 3 days: €140

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