International Green Week 2021 to take place as a B2B event

24 sierpień 2020

The International Green Week is to take place in January 2021 as an exclusive B2B event. The reason for this is the coronavirus pandemic. ”Due to the current situation we are modifying the concept of next year’s International Green Week and focusing on services for trade visitors“, said Lars Jaeger, the head of the Green Week. 
Since 1926 the International Green Week has been a firm fixture on the industry’s calendar of events. People want to meet and exchange views more than ever in these times, said Lars Jaeger. ”As a vital part of the economy the food and farming sector faces new challenges. The goal is to find solutions together and to shape the future. At the International Green Week 2021 we want to create a platform for agricultural policy dialogue.“

The International Green Week has always been very important as an industry event that gathers high-ranking players from the food and farming industries – whether at the many symposiums, specialist seminars, conferences and discussion forums or at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA), where international ministers, institutions and NGOs in particular exchange views on the pressing issues concerning the world‘s food supplies.

2021 is scheduled to be an exclusive B2B event without the general public. ”The International Green Week is a special experience for visitors. Whether they sample specialities from around the world or take a close-up look at innovations in modern agriculture – we will be unable to offer them all these things in the customary manner due to the coronavirus pandemic and the resultant safety and hygiene regulations“, said Lars Jaeger.

The German Farmers’ Union (DBV) and the Federation of German Food and Drink Industries (BVE), the non-commercial sponsors of the event, as well as the Federal Ministry of Agriculture are currently working on the concept and topics of the 86th International Green Week. Messe Berlin is also establishing a safety and hygiene concept that takes the latest developments into account and is being coordinated with the relevant public health authorities.

The following International Green Week is scheduled to take place from 21 to 30 January 2022.

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