International turnover already accounts for 40% of group turnover

8 czerwiec 2020
Grupo Alimentario Citrus consolidates its growth by committing to the international market 
• GAC obtained overall turnover in 2019 of 324 million Euro (5% growth over 2018) and is present in 30 markets on 4 continents
• In 2019, the group integrated the Swiss company Josef Müller and the Italian company Novanatura, both specialised in ready-to-eat products
• Innovation has led to 15% of total turnover and continues to be an important driver of growth for the company, with 50 launches over the past year
• Sun&Vegs consolidates its presence in Portugal and is expanding to new markets such as Spain, Italy, and Switzerland; the baby food brand Byba continues its expansion in Europe and Asia

Grupo Alimentario Citrus (GAC), an expert in the preparation of fresh and healthy food products, has obtained overall turnover in 2019 of 324 million Euro, 5% higher than the previous year. The consolidation of the “Growing” project, focused on sustainable growth, international expansion, and the diversification of clients and markets, has allowed the group to continue to grow sustainably.

“2019 was a landmark year for the group’s international expansion. The work performed over the year brought us integration of new business units, consolidation of our positioning in Europe, and a reinforcement of our mission of becoming the number-one supplier of fresh and healthy products for our customers and consumers”, states Rafael Boix, CEO of Grupo Alimentario Citrus. 

In the last fiscal year, GAC managed to increase its international turnover compared to the previous year, a figure that currently represents 40% of its total sales. The group currently distributes its products to customers in more than 30 markets on 4 continents.

The incorporation of the new European companies Novanatura and Josef Müller, along with the German company Thurländer consolidated in 2018, has allowed the company to strengthen one of the key business areas, the ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook segment. 

Innovation contributes to growth

Along with the internationalization strategy, innovation remains an engine of growth for GAC. Last year, the group launched 50 innovations on the market, which led to the introduction of new products and improvements in recipes, formats, and containers, not to mention entailing 15% of overall turnover. 

The company entered into the ready-to-eat pre-cut fruit category and launched trendy products such as “ultra-fresh” salads, ready to eat the same day and prepared with premium ingredients, along with 100% vegetable-based spreadable snacks. 

Moreover, 2019 was a year of great momentum and consolidation for the Sun&Vegs and Byba brands. On one hand, the ready-to-eat brand Sun&Vegs is already present in the main distribution chains of Spain and Portugal and has begun distribution in Italy and Switzerland. On the other hand, the baby food brand Byba has continued to expand in Europe and has crossed over to Asia, a market with great growth potential. 

Growth and people

At the end of 2019, the group’s workforce consisted of a total of 2,554 people (5% increase over 2018). Globally, 8 out of every 10 employees has an open-ended contract (83%) and 94% have a full-time contract. The workforce is composed of 49.9% women and 50.1% men and represents individuals from 60 nationalities.

Investment in the future

Ever since the company was founded in the year 2000, investments totalling more than 200 million Euro have been primarily directed towards acquisitions, innovation, and sustainable growth.

Last year, the company made over 5 million Euro in investments, of which 4 million were directed at improving its production centres and farmlands and over one million was directed at developing R&D projects

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