FRUIT ATTRACTION, the international trade show for the fruit and vegetable industry
6 czerwiec 2020
Fruit Attraction is the commercial meeting point for everyone in the fruit and vegetable business community. This year it will be a great tribute to all professionals in the Fruit and Vegetable industry with the aim of serving as a fulcrum to promote the reconstruction of international trade relations within the fruit and vegetable sector.
Quality, innovation, diversity, knowledge, sustainability and technology, are the key words of this new edition of the event, which will take place from 20 to 22 October in IFEMA.
Under the motto Where Fresh Produce & Innovation meet, Fruit Attraction will once again offer international markets the most comprehensive and effective marketing tool for the fruit and vegetable sector.
Fruit Attraction 2020 will be a unique and exclusive event which will introduce many new features for the first time ever at Fruit Attraction: Fresh Food Logistics, Fresh Shopping Lab, Avocado Fresh´n Star or Biotech Zone. Also, it will be held coinciding with Flower&Garden Attraction and Fresh Food Logistics Fair.
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