EMSUR continues to be recognized for its high-quality level

5 maj 2020

EMSUR Madrid renewed its BRC Packaging certification last month, in its new version V6 for Food Safety, with very positive results highlighting the company’s total commitment to manufacturing safe products that meet the most stringent quality requirements and ensure the lowest environmental impact.

Additionally, EMSUR Mexico has obtained the renewal of its ISO 14001:2015 environmental management certificate, in recognition of its production efficiency and sustainable performance. The Group's plant located in the city of Querétaro successfully passed the audit carried out last month, this way meeting the targets of the company's Global Quality Plan.

The international ISO 14001:2015 standard assesses environmental management in different organisations to encourage improvements in performance in this area, incorporating environmental criteria to help achieve strategic objectives.

The award of these prestigious certifications reaffirms EMSUR's commitment to sustainability and to the protection of the environment as well as encouraging a culture of quality and safety excellence, highlighting good practices for efficient consumption of natural resources, responsible waste management, reduction of the carbon footprint and ensuring food safety.
In addition, via its ONE SAFETY programme, EMSUR promotes a healthy and safe work environment, and these indicators have also been evaluated in the audits performed.

In relation to these certifications the company has also been awarded the EcoVadis  certificate, acknowledging its compliance to its Corporate Social Responsibility policy, underlining EMSUR's dedication to achieving a sustainable future. 
Likewise it is important to note that COEXPAN, Emsur's sister company has been awarded  BRC Packaging certification at its Beaucouzé, Chantrans and Madrid plants.

Both companies share a firm commitment to sustainability, to promoting food preservation and to offering products that optimise the use of natural resources and reduce their environmental impact. The common sustainability strategy focuses on the same vision of eco-design and circularity of their packaging through increasingly sustainable and safe solutions.

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