International Green Week Berlin 2020, 17 to 26 January 2020

3 styczeń 2020

The International Green Week Berlin 2020 (17 - 26 Jan.) will soon be opening its doors. The ten-day event invites visitors to take a culinary tour of the world, experience the widest range of regional specialities at any fair, visit the spectacular Floral Hall (Hall 9) and the many special shows with their highlights for the general public. This is the third time that HIPPOLOGICA (24 - 26 Jan.) the largest indoor event in the Berlin/Brandenburg region, is part of the Green Week. Over 20 stage shows and cooking events will provide pure information and entertainment. Croatia, the partner country of the event, is inviting visitors to Hall 10.2 to sample food from its wide-ranging farming industry. Messe Berlin has opening times and ticket prices both for planned and spontaneous visits.

Opening times
The fair is open to trade visitors and the general public from 17 to 26 January, daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on ‘Long Friday’ (24 Jan.).

A day ticket costs EUR 15, children under the age of six are admitted free of charge. Reduced-rate tickets for students and pupils cost EUR 10. Each day from Monday to Friday from 2 p.m. Happy Hour tickets are available at EUR 10. A family ticket (maximum of 2 adults + 3 children up to the age of 14) costs EUR 31. A Sunday ticket (valid on either 19 or 26 Jan.) costs EUR 12. The Sundays are ideal for a family outing. A day ticket for groups of 20 or more costs EUR 12 per person, and for parties of schoolchildren (student IDs required) the cost is EUR 4 per person. Unlimited admission to the Green Week costs EUR 42. Full details of how to order tickets online can be found at

How to get there by public transport
S-Bahn (light rail) lines S3, S9 to Messe Süd; S-Bahn lines S3, S5, S7, S9 to Westkreuz; S-Bahn lines S41, S42, S46 to Messe Nord; U-Bahn (underground) U2 to Kaiserdamm or Theodor-Heuss-Platz; bus routes 104, 139, 349, M49 to Messedamm/ZOB (main bus station), and bus routes X34, X49 to Theodor-Heuss-Platz or Messe Nord / ICC.

By car
From the A10 (Berliner Ring) take the A100, A111 or A115 to Funkturm interchange (Autobahndreieck Funkturm). Look for the exit sign ‘Messedamm’. Parking is available at the Olympic Stadium (Olympiastadion), where a free shuttle service will take you directly to the north and south entrances of the exhibition grounds. Parking for the disabled can be found in the parking areas in front of the north entrance (P1, P2) and in front of the CityCube Berlin (P14). The exhibition grounds and the ICC are located outside the city’s low-emissions zone (Umweltzone). Car drivers arriving on the motorway (autobahn) and heading directly to the exhibition grounds from the ‘Messegelände’ / ‘Messedamm’ exits need not obtain the windscreen sticker required for the low-emissions zone.

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