4 sierpień 2020
Fiere di Parma and the portal “GDO News” have signed a partnership agreement to strengthen the digital platform “MyBusinessCibus”. The GDONews manuals on the different product categories of Made in Italy food will be translated into English and sent to all the top international buyers. In addition, buyers will be able to access exclusive material in the page as well as additional information content in the newsletter that Cibus periodically sends to the international food & beverage community.
Foreign buyers will thus have at their disposal in-depth manuals on every single product category to help them plan their category activities both before the event in and during the Cibus exhibition (in Parma, from 4-7 May, 2021), with an adequate background of knowledge needing only final verification in the B2B meetings.

GDONews, on the other hand, can, through this partnership agreement, extend its penetration abroad. Through its distinctiveness, which finds concrete expression in the creation of original content designed for buyers in the execution of their trade, and with special emphasis on category analysis and companies’ financial soundness, will also be a valuable support to buyers abroad.Fiere di Parma has launched the digital platform with the aim of creating a virtual exhibition, open 365 days a year, to complement the Cibus exhibition event, which takes place annually. The outbreak of the pandemic has accelerated the project, which is now fully operational. Thanks to MyBusinessCibus, professional operators can set up online meetings and examine product ranges with their respective suppliers.

Fiere di Parma has set up a partnership with an online communication portal about Italian mass-market retail, the online trade magazine GDONews, in order to build a joint project towards a permanent information and sourcing platform dedicated to operators, in which products, Italian food production culture, business and B2B meetings are available to national and international buyers throughout the year as part of their daily work.

“The Fiere sector will consolidate itself also through collaborations with specialized editors, actually returning to its origins - said Antonio Cellie, CEO of Fiere di Parma. - The digital revolution of our business model, which was accelerated by the pandemic, requires growth of content, content which must address our audience, both on site - with smart exhibition formats, factory & educational tours, and more - and online - with e-sourcing, business agenda, and category knowledge platforms. With GDONews in general, and Andrea Meneghini in particular, we immediately found this perfect combination.”

“The Cibus exhibition is our ambassador for food production in the world, a historic, and at the same time young and dynamic, institution - pointed out Andrea Meneghini, Editorial Content Manager for GDONews for the Mass-Market Retail sector. - GDONews is an important reference for Italian large retail managers, and over time we have built a platform that provides both information and training. We are all about the use of modern technology, as shown by our presence on professional social media. We are proud to be able to accompany Cibus and its expert leader, Antonio Cellie, towards large retailers all over the world, bringing our outstanding food products to the tables of international buyers.”

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