Bookings open for Asia’s premier produce show

4 styczeń 2020

ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA, Asia’s leading fresh fruit and vegetable trade show, is moving to Singapore for its 2020 edition from its traditional location in Hong Kong.
ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2020 will take place on 16-18 September at Singapore EXPO, a world-class exhibition centre near Singapore’s Changi Airport, with ASIAFRUIT CONGRESS held on 15 September at the convention wing MAX Atria.
Organiser Global Produce Events (GPE) is relocating the 2020 edition as a precaution due to the continued uncertainty in Hong Kong.

“We’re excited to bring ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA to Singapore this year,” said Will Wollbold, commercial director of ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA. “Singapore offers a vibrant and innovative business environment, and it has a proven record in facilitating quality events. Singapore is very well situated in South East Asia and creates further excellent business opportunities for our customers in the region.”

Online exhibitor registration for ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2020 is now live at the ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA website. Exhibitors are advised to register for ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2020 now to secure their space. Application deadline is 28 February 2020.

More than 12,000 high-quality trade professionals from 70-plus countries around the world made the most of the opportunities to meet and do business with over 800 exhibitors from more than 40 different countries at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2019.
“We’ve been astonished by the number of lead generations we’ve had here,” said Gavin Ger, commercial strategy director of Australian technology start-up Laava, at the 2019 show in Hong Kong. “The concentration of key decision makers and influencers all in one place makes it an extremely efficient way of covering the ground. We’ve never experienced such a vibrant and impactful event over three days.”
For more information on exhibiting at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA, please contact the organiser team by email:, telephone: +66 2 941 4600 or contact our representative office in your region.

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