Macfrut 2020: Biostimulant International Event to be split into three

22 styczeń 2020

Biostimulant International Event will be back in 2020 with some news: in addition to the congress there will be several thematic tours and a high-visibility exhibition area in the South Hall, at the main entrance to the Rimini Expo Centre
Cesena, 22nd October 2019 – Biostimulants will be in the spotlight at the 37th edition of Macfrut, to be held from Tuesday 5 to Thursday 7 May 2020 in the exhibition halls of the Rimini Expo Centre (Italy). Biostimulants are substances, such as algae and humic substances, which are applied in agriculture with the aim of improving the growth and well-being of organisms. This is why it is one of the most promising sectors for sustainable, high-performance production.

Macfrut, in collaboration with Agri 2000, will be focusing on this theme for the second year in a row, with some great news. There will be not just one but three parts, starting with the Stimulants Area, an actual “show-within-the-show” that will be set up in a high-visibility location in the South Hall. Here, exhibiting companies from all over the world will have their own space, as well as the opportunity to showcase their products to the international fruit and vegetable supply chain representatives who will attend the event in Rimini. The second part of the Biostimulant International Event will also provide opportunities for meetings thanks to Thematic Tours: there will be guided tours for visitors, planned down to the last detail and with the necessary technological equipment, to give exhibiting companies the chance to meet groups of visitors that are targeted to their offer. The third part will be the second edition of the Biostimulant International Congress, to be attended by key players and leading companies in Southern European production chains, as well as by representatives from institutions and from the industrial and research sectors seeking updates on regulations, the market and technical innovations.

The Biostimulant International Event is organised by Macfrut, the international trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector to be held at the Rimini Expo Centre (5-7 May 2020), in collaboration with its scientific partner Agri 2000.

International press office Macfrut

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