Flagship investment projects of the CIS greenhouse industry

7 listopad 2019

Over 70 top managers of commercial greenhouses and investment projects from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova confirmed their participation in the 4th Annual International Greenhouse Complexes Russia and the CIS Forum 2019 (4-5 December, Moscow). The Forum is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

For the CIS countries there are plenty of opportunities for expansion of existing greenhouse capacities for vegetable growing to reach self-sufficiency and start exporting to replenish the budget. For example, 200 million dollars will be attracted from the international financial institutions for the construction of new greenhouse complexes in Uzbekistan. The expected level of import substitution of greenhouse produce by 2020 in Belarus comprises about 520 million dollars.

Among the confirmed investment projects from the CIS which will be presented in the Forum:
ХО Ýigit (Turkmenistan) – greenhouse complex for tomato production, the area comprises 34 ha. There are plans to commission 30 ha of greenhouses for sweet pepper, cucumber and aubergine farming by 2021.
Spayka (Armenia) – greenhouse complex integrating traditional semi-closed greenhouses 105 ha in total for cucumber and tomato cultivation, 30 ha and 70 ha correspondingly. In 2021, the company intends to construct a semi-closed greenhouse with the area of 50 ha. 
GreenTech (Azerbaijan) – modern greenhouse complex for vegetable production (tomatoes, aubergines, cabbages, peppers, salads). The company plans to construct 10 ha of greenhouses in Azerbaijan and 20 ha in Russia.
Greenhouse Complex Green Line (Kyrgyzstan) – greenhouse complex for tomato and strawberry cultivation, 8.5 ha. Modernisation is afoot.
Pavlodar Greenhouse Complex (Kazakhstan) – greenhouse complex for vegetable production (tomatoes, cucumbers), applying hydroponics, 3 ha. In 2020, the company intends to construct a greenhouse complex with the area of 5 ha.
Green Food (Armenia) – strawberry farming, the area is 3 ha. There is an investment project on the construction of a greenhouse complex occupying 6 ha. 
Request the full list of participants

Gold Sponsors: Signify, Sananbio; Silver Sponsors: Green Automation Export, SVETOGOR; Bronze Sponsors: Royal Brinkman, Rijk Zwaan, Megaphoton; Sponsor of video promotion: Richel Group.  Industry partner: Greenhouses of Russia Association.
Elvira Sakhabutdinova, Project Director
+7 495 109 9 509

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