Emsur Madrid inaugurates its new facilities and state-of-the-art machinery at its headquarters
23 wrzesień 2019
September gets off to a flying start for Emsur with the inauguration its new facilities in Alcalá de Henares, the global headquarters of the Emsur Division. This milestone was marked by a celebratory event for its employees.
The project forms part of the company’s strategic plan and has involved the construction of a new production building and the installation of machines incorporating state-of-the-art technology for printing and laminating flexible packaging. With this notable increase in production capacity the company aims to focus on the dairy market where it is already the leader in Spain with products such as yoghurt pot lids, banderoles or sleeves, and on the fresh and processed food markets, extending its range of complex flexible packaging, which is also produced at the Emsur Valencia Saymopack plant in Algemesí.
The newly-built facilities occupy a total surface area of 5,000m2 and include all the latest advances in safety and energy efficiency.
In addition, the plant has set up a new high-speed rotogravure printing line. The design and technology provides higher quality print registration and speeds up work changeovers thanks to the line ergonomics, also improving health and safety for employees and furthering the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability through improved energy efficiency.
The facilities also include a cutting-edge laminator that allows lamination with or without solvents depending on the technical requirements of each product.
With the completion of this project that provides new production capacities, Emsur Madrid is now one of the benchmark production sites of the Emsur Division worldwide with a capacity of more than 220 million square metres. The company has a workforce of over 120 employees and operates to the most stringent quality standards for food safety that include, such as BRC-IoP, FDA and FSC.
In the words of Santiago Sebastián, Managing Director of Emsur Madrid and Emsur Valencia Saymopack, “This investment allows us to keep growing and extending our portfolio of products in Spain while at the same time we are able to guarantee top quality products and optimise our industrial efficiency which directly contributes to our pursuit of service excellence and customer satisfaction”.
Also to be highlighted is the recent inauguration of the new INNOTECH I+D centre that shares its facilities with Coexpan España. This new innovation and development centre has been created to help shape a sustainable future for plastic packaging in response to new market and consumer demands and is yet another way in which the company strengthens its commitment to sustainability and to the circular economy of plastics.
Press releases: Emsur
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