Priority participation period until 25 March

25 luty 2020

Fruit Attraction 2019 is already accepting applications to take part in its 12th edition, which will be held from 20 to 22 October. Two thousand direct exhibiting companies from the entire fruit and vegetable value chain are expected to take part, as well as 95,000 trade participants from 140 countries.

With its slogan Where Fresh Produce & Innovation Meet, this will be a unique, exclusive edition, with innovations for trade professionals such as Fresh Food Logistics, Fresh Shopping Lab, Avocado Fresh’n Star, and the Biotech Zone. High-impact areas are also given special importance: Flower & Garden Attraction, Ecorganic Market, SmartAgro, Innovation Hub, Nuts Hub, etc., so for the first time ever, Fruit Attraction will occupy the entire IFEMA complex (Halls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9 and 10).

The website contains full information for participants and explains how to harness all the benefits of this great omni channel platform for trade professionals. On 25 March, the priority period - during which advantageous conditions are available for space allocation - will come to an end.

Based on-state-of-the art ideas, technology, human relations, and an incredible business networking environment, Fruit Attraction Experience will once again offer international markets a comprehensive, effective marketing tool for the fruit and vegetable sector. More than 90% of the exhibitors and more than 95% of the visitors come back every year, making Fruit Attraction an established global event for the sector.

Fruit Attraction 2020, organised by IFEMA and FEPEX, will take place in Madrid from Tuesday 20 to Thursday 22 October, from 9.30 am to 7.00 pm, and until 5 pm on the last day.

More information and application form at

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