New CIV Fuji apple variety

27 November 2019

The Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti (CIV) of San Giuseppe di Comacchio announces that it has recently obtained the Community Plant Variety Right (PVR) for the new clone of Fuji apples called FUCIV51pbr associated with the trademark SAN-CIV®.
The new variety selected by the CIV breeders improves some of the Fuji characteristics, specially the colour.
The fruit is bright red almost over the entire surface. The colour is uniform. Even in the parts covered by the vegetation, the fruits are very colourful, a characteristic that distinguishes it from other Fuji apples currently on the market. FUCIV51pbr SAN-CIV® is not very susceptible to sunburn. With this new Fuji, the “pack-out” is considerably improved, optimizing the remuneration for the producer.

“The grant of the PVR – comments Marzio Zaccarini, CIV Technical Manager – rewards the value and innovation of our Consortium's variety research in apple-growing sector. The new clone is already proposed as the new reference point for the Fuji category with uniform colour”.

In order to obtain a right on a new plant variety, it has to meet the following three requirements: Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS test). Council Regulation (EC) No. 2100/94 of 27 July 1994 established a system of Community plant variety rights as the sole and exclusive form of Community industrial property rights for new plant varieties. The system is managed by the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), based in Angers (France). A Community plant variety right for the species Malus domestica Borkh lasts 30 years. The plant variety rights are valid in the 28 Member States of the European Union.

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