Fruit Attraction launches its website

26 September 2019
The new Fruit Attraction channel has been redesigned and offers more features for exhibitors and visitors, as well as personalized experiences for each user.

The upcoming edition, which will be held from October 22 to 24 at IFEMA, will be attended by 1,800 companies and 90,000 professionals from 130 countries, making Fruit Attraction the most effective international meeting point, at a key moment for the supply and demand of fresh fruit in the trade.

Fruit Attraction is launching a new website, with new features and a renewed image, which facilitates access and usability for visitors and exhibitors.

Its design, as well as the new content management system (CMS), allows it to offer contextualized and personalized online experiences, in addition to optimizing the participation and interaction of users regardless of the device they use to access the channel.

Users will be able to access all the information about  Fruit Attraction, including the list of exhibitors, schedules, location, areas, as well as the new features that exhibiting companies are going to present, at industry professional stands, press releases, access passes, press accreditations, meeting services, etc.

In short, this renewed digital channel is established as one of the essential pillars to generate a solid link between  Fruit Attraction and its exhibitors and visitors, since it allows all participants to connect and establish relationships, thus improving their communication and experience. Likewise, it seeks to encourage effective participation at fairs and events, which will result in a stimulus so as to increase trade and the access to knowledge.

This change is taking place at a time of digital transformation for IFEMA, with the aim of improving its online positioning and providing a quality online service which is adequate for this new era, and adequate for the more than 3.6 million people each year who come to fairs, congresses, conventions and other events that are held at our venues. During the past year, if we consider our entire portfolio of events, we, at IFEMA, had 20 million views of our web pages.

Fruit Attraction, to be held from October 22 to 24 at IFEMA, will be attended by 1,800 companies and 90,000 professionals from 130 countries, becoming the most effective international meeting point, at a key moment for the supply and demand of fresh fruit in the trade.

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