International Conference on Food Processing and Technology

29 November 2017

Food Technology Conference is comprised to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in the field of Food Technology, i.e. Food Science & Technology, Food & Nutrition, Chemical Analysis of Food, Food Preservation and Packaging, Food Law and Economy, Dairy Science and Technology.

This Conference will bring together practitioners, industrialists, researchers and educators from around the world who are engaged in the fields of indigenous food products, food safety, functional foods, bioactive ingredients, nutritional factors, public health, traditional and alternative medicine, dietary management .

This meeting will be a significant and vital stage for moving worldwide and interdisciplinary trade at the bleeding edge of sustenance look into. Through the span of 3 days, universally famous speakers will portray how their examination travel has created in light of contemporary difficulties: motivational and imaginative lessons in sustenance inquire about. The going to specialists and industry accomplices will likewise give an awesome systems administration encounter. The arrangement of talks, notice introductions, workshops, dialogs and systems administration occasions will keep members occupied with learning and making new associations at Food Technology 2018. The Conference will unite academicians, scientific experts, researchers, dietitians, nutritionists, engineers, technologists from everywhere throughout the world, and we trust that you will accept this open door to go along with us for scholarly trade and visit the city of Toronto.

The scope of Food Technology 2018 covers both theoretical and practical areas of food research and the detailed areas of interest for this conference are listed in the section of "Abstract Submission". You're welcome to submit abstracts for presentation. The core aim of Food Technology conference is to provide an opportunity for the delegates to meet, interact and exchange new ideas in the various areas of Food Processing and Technology.

Take advantage of two days’ worth of intensive presentations in over 14 sessions offering a comprehensive selection of topics. You’ll learn from leading experts and a collection of your peers. The Food Technology 2018 conference program is organized across dynamic conference tracks designed to help you focus on research and issues that are most important to you.

For more information, please visit:

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