FarmFresh solutions gain momentum in exporting Brazilian produced pitaya

20 March 2024

Termotécnica EPS conservers extend fruit shelf-life, allowing it to reach more distant markets, with higher prices and greater profitability 

Serving the country’s largest Brazilian pitaya producers, Termotécnica FarmFresh solutions, were on display at the 3rd Brazilian Pitaya Symposium and the 1st Latin American Pitaya Meeting on March 6th, 7th and 8th in Criciúma, Santa Catarina, state in southern Brazil. Sponsored by the Association of Pitaya Producers of Brazil (APPIBRAS) and the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of the State of Santa Catarina (EPAGRI), the events brought together producers and researchers from Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Nicaragua, to exchange experiences and disseminate innovative practices.

Pitaya cultivation is gaining ever more markets, both nationally as well as in exports to countries such as England, Spain, Portugal, the United States and the United Arab Emirates, bringing higher prices and greater profitability. The states of São Paulo, Santa Catarina and Pará stand out, plus production has also been growing in Paraná, Minas Gerais, Ceará, Goiás, Espírito Santo and Distrito Federal. 

The brothers Diego and Tiago de Matos Nascimento, of Nascimento Frutas, from São João do Sul (SC), are the largest Brazilian producers and exporters of Palora-type pitaya, an extremely sweet, tasty fruit that attains greater commercial value. The company, which exports to several countries around the world, mainly to Spain and the United Kingdom, has, since 2019, been using FarmFresh conservers in EPS – better known as Styrofoam* – which extend the shelf-life of fruits by up to 30%. “Today we use 100% of Termotécnica’s conservers. The pitaya maintains its quality with longer shelf life and the beauty of the fruits stands out even more in the white packaging”, state the producers.

Temperature maintenance and impact absorption during handling and transport provided by EPS also ensure that the pitaya “petals” that cover the fruit remain preserved for longer. The fruits remain protected in storage throughout the production and logistics chain, allowing additional days in the retailer with commercial quality. 

 * Styrofoam is a trademark registered by third parties.

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