The heads of key energy companies from Central Asia have already confirmed their participation in the International Forum and Exhibition Thermal Power Plants Central Asia to be held 15-16 February in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Participants in detail:
• Astana-Energy. Astana-Energy includes structural subdivisions, including TPP-1, TPP-2, and district boiler houses. Development plans: commissioning of Phase 1 (hot-water boiler, boiler house) of TPP-3, construction of Phase 2. It is planned to modernise the associated equipment with increase in electric power generation.
• Eurasian Energy Corporation – Kazakhstan. The company includes Vostochny open coal mine. It is planned to reconstruct the energy block No.8 at the Aksu State Regional Power Plant.
• Kazakhmys Energy. Development plans: 1) Balkhash TPP – installation of new equipment; 2) Zhezgan TPP – replacement of equipment.
• Electric Power Plants is the key producer of electric power and heat in the Kyrgyz Republic.
• Samruk-Energy. Reconstruction of the Almaty TPP-3: construction of a main coolant pipeline with a capacity of 450 MW for partial covering of peak capacity deficit in the South zone of Kazakhstan; expansion of the Almaty TPP-1: construction of CCGT 200-250 MW; rehabilitation of the energy block No.1 EGRES-1 with installation of new electric filters; expansion of EGRES-2 with an installation of the block No.3.
• SCE-Quvvat (Stone City Energy). A thermal power plant will be built in the Angor district of the Surkhadara region with a capacity of 1560 MW. The construction of this TPP based on PPP will involve three companies – German Siemens Energy, French IDEF and Dutch Stone City Energy.
• PPP Development Agency under the Ministry of Finance of the Uzbekistan Republic. The Agency determines a unified PPP policy in the Republic, overviews projects, approves submittals and PPP agreements. The Agency co-operates with international finance institutions, such as Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Finance Corporation, Islamic Development Bank and World Bank.
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