CIV presents the new varieties/selections of apple/pear/strawberry

6 February 2020
CIV – Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti from San Giuseppe di Comacchio (Ferrara), renowned for breeding activities at international level, participates as usual at Fruit Logistica - the world leading tradeshow dedicated to the fruit and vegetables that will be held in Berlin from 5 to 7 February – with its own stand in Hall 2.2 with the aim to present to all international stakeholders its new most promising varieties, selections and projects portfolio.
On Tuesday 04th February evening - before the opening of the Berlin kermesse - the II (second) Edition of “CIV & Friends Meeting” took place at the Steigenberger Hotel in Berlin where CIV Business Development Manager, Marco Bertolazzi, has presented to many international stakeholders and potential partners the most relevant aspects of CIV’s Apple Varieties & Project Portfolio with a focus on both technical and commercial aspects and new opportunities for collaborations. Great success of this special evening Event for the registered participation and interest shown towards new projects for which CIV seeks partners to jointly develop new coordinated project to effectively position a new variety into the market.
Then, during Fruit Logistica exhibition will also take place the traditional annual Modi® apple International Meeting organized, as usual, by the CIV - owner of the patent of the apple variety CIVG198* and the trademark Modì® with which it is marketed worldwide. Authorized international licensees will join the meeting at CIV Booth with the aim to enforce and coordinate the marketing strategies necessary for the development of the Modì® brand and share the production techniques of the variety CIVG198* in full respect of environmental sustainability.
During the Berlin Fair in the large and renewed CIV Exhibition Booth, President Pier Filippo Tagliani with the Business Development Manager Marco Bertolazzi, Brand/Project Manager Dario Lezziero and Technical Manager Marzio Zaccarini will welcome  many international operators interested in the latest news in the field of apple, pear and strawberry, which are in brief mainly characterized by the following specifications: easy cultivation, productivity, long shelf-life, high organoleptic characteristics, attractive appearance, adaptability to different soil and climate conditions, resistance to certain diseases (central aspects in the CIV’s genetic improvement programme).
 “Regarding the Berlin Exhibition – concludes CIV President Pier Filippo Tagliani– we invite all interested operators to visit us to know our selections/varieties of apple, strawberry and pear, the latest developed by the University of Bologna thanks to the private funding of the CIV. For the different new projects we are committed to define the most appropriate ways of varietal development in the markets of the interested companies in order to finalize as soon as possible the relative strategic-operative Agreements of Partnership/Collaboration”.


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Macfrut Academy, a new video lesson

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