Le Vieux Pointet is presenting its products at the Salon. With its 400 hectares of orchards, the company is the largest independent producer of organic apples and pears in France.
Apples are the fruit of irreplaceable know-how. Throughout the year, we take care of our orchards, our trees and our fruit, trying to fully respect the environment and to offer consumers quality, beautiful, good, organic and healthy fruit. Committed to sustainable agriculture, we apply the best available techniques, using specialists, whose first task is to check the state of the orchard closely. Le Vieux Pointet grows yellow apples such as Golden, Goldrush, Opal, Chantecler, red apples such as Gala, Elstar, Story, Red Delicious, Braeburn, Pink Rose, Crimson Crisp, Dalinette and green apples such as Granny Smith.
Always concerned to offer their customers the best tasting fruit, the Tamisier brothers have chosen the most suitable plots of land for growing pears. As in viticulture, the quality of the soil has a direct impact on the production, quality and taste of the pears. In addition to varieties that have been well known since time immemorial, such as Williams, or especially in Provence, such as Guyot, the Tamisier brothers also selected and developed new varieties such as Selena® and Qtee®.
Deseosos de responder a las expectativas de sus clientes, y en la línea de la tradición frutícola de la región, los hermanos Tamisier añadieron las ciruelas a su gama de productos hace unos quince años para satisfacer las demandas de sus clientes. La mayoría de las ciruelas se recolectan en pleno verano. Una vez recolectadas, se clasifican y envasan. En casa de los hermanos Tamisier, los frutos se almacenan en atmósfera controlada, lo que les permite satisfacer la demanda de ciruelas rojas y amarillas durante todo el año. Le Vieux Pointet cultiva numerosas variedades como Obilnaya, Ruby Queen, Angeleno, Catalina para las ciruelas rojas y Anne Gold, Golden Japan, TC Sun y Rubinel para las ciruelas amarillas.
Le Kakou es una marca exclusiva de Le Vieux Pointet. Representa la totalidad de la producción de caquis ecológicos de la región provenzal del sudeste de Francia. La variedad que está detrás de esta marca es «Rojo Brillante».
The pomegranate trees were planted in 2017 and started producing in 2020. The Bigful BIO variety is produced and marketed exclusively by Vieux Pointet. A fruit with exceptional taste qualities, it is a true mouth-watering pomegranate with a mild, sweet taste, low acidity and virtually seedless.
The jujube is highly prized for its vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, calcium and, of course, sugar content. In addition, jujube is low in fat, making it an ideal ally for a little boost at any time of the day!
Le Vieux Pointet grows three varieties of quince such as Champion, Portugal or Gigante de Vranja on 2 hectares of orchards located near Cavaillon, where the sun shines most of the year.
We are delighted to present our 100% organic fruit at Fruit Attraction in Madrid. Visit us at stand 6B04B. It will be a great opportunity to meet you and share a moment around our healthy and tasty fruits. In the meantime, visit our website: www.vieuxpointet.co