Macfrut 2017, increasingly international

5 January 2017
Internationality: in recent years, this has been the guiding motto of Macfrut, the international trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector. Internationality will be in the spotlight also in the 2017 edition, to be held at the Rimini Expo Centre from 10 to 12 May. In fact, in October, the organisers of the trade fair embarked on a journey outside Europe to officially present the features and potential of Macfrut, which is increasingly gaining importance as a leading event in the industry at international level. 

The countries to be visited were chosen among the most strategic markets for Italian companies. After a first visit to South Africa, in November it was the turn of Guatemala and Argentina. In the last few years, in Guatemala, fruit and vegetable production has been experiencing a phase of considerable growth and companies in the industry are making substantial investments: from 2009 to 2013, the fruit and vegetable production of Guatemala increased by 16% and, in the same period, exports increased by 30%. The presentation of the trade fair took place in Guatemala City as part of the “Guatemala Investment Summit", with the participation of many producers but also representatives of the Ministry of Economics, of the Chamber of Commerce and of Agexport, the Guatemalan association that supports exports. A group of Guatemalan producers is expected to take part in the next edition of Macfrut. A few days later, the road show was taken to Argentina, stopping in the major production areas (Mendoza, San Juan, Neuquen and Rio Negro), the Central Market of Buenos Aires and involving major organisations in the fruit and vegetable sector and those promoting agricultural exports. Argentina has huge potential in the fruit and vegetable industry, scarcely developed over the last few years due to domestic issues, but the situation has now become favourable thanks to the new government, which intends to promote international trade. Argentina was present at last year’s edition of the trade fair with an institutional stand and a large number of export companies, but an even greater participation is expected for the 2017 edition.
In December, instead, a presentation was held in Africa, stopping in Kenya and Sudan. The event in Kenya, promoted by AFFA (Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority), was attended by numerous traders and organisations representing the fruit and vegetable sector. Kenya is experiencing a stage of remarkable growth, in both domestic consumption and exports. In addition, with the development of modern distribution, the country is also becoming a market for imported goods, especially apples and kiwifruit. With regard to exports, in addition to major exporters - efficient, organised and equipped with cutting-edge technology and their own packing houses - small and medium exporters are growing, supported by AFFA. The latter has built seven packaging and storage centres serving exporters and in these facilities there is a great need for small packaging lines in order to standardise quality levels. In 2016, fifteen Kenyan companies participated as exhibitors at Macfrut and, given the positive outcome, the 2017 edition is expected to attract an even larger number of participants, as well as visitors. A few days ago, another mission took place in Sudan, a highly interesting country in terms of technology, export and import of fruit and vegetables. During the visit, the organisers of Macfrut met the leaders of the association comprising about thirty importers, who have already confirmed their presence at the next edition of the event.

"In recent years, Macfrut has been strongly focusing on its international appeal – the President of Macfrut, Renzo Piraccini, explains – We have achieved positive results. In fact, at the last edition, the number of foreign visitors increased by 50% compared to 2015, representing 33% of the total. Italian companies are currently seeking new markets, and Macfrut aims to be the platform for promoting Italy's excellent products and technology in the global market."
The road show will continue early next year, with a presentation scheduled in January in China, the Partner Country for the 2017 edition, whose main fruit and vegetable importers are expected to attend the event. Today, China is Italy’s main export market for kiwifruit but also a major buyer of technology for this sector. The last stage of the Macfrut presentation tour, instead, will be in Colombia in March.

For further information, please visit:

Elena Vincenzi and Stefania Duminuco
International press office Macfrut c/o Fruitecom

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